EMS Communications

Tennessee EMS Telecommunications (Radio)

The Office of Emergency Medical Services coordinates provision of effective and rapid delivery of emergency medical services to the general population and operational radio communications between ambulances and hospitals. The Office maintains liaison with emergency service agencies and the Tennessee Emergency Communications Board concerning access of emergency medical services through the 911 emergency-telephone system. [Communications]

Telecommunications coordination is a responsibility established in Tennessee Code Annotated, Title §68-140-201 et seq. Special radio systems and frequencies are used to dispatch ambulances and provide for medical communications between the ambulance and hospital. These components are identified in EMS rules and the EMS Telecommunications Plan, which was last revised in July 2015.

The Federal Communications Commission must license EMS radio stations or communications systems. Information on federal regulations, licensing requirements, and forms may be obtained from their website, www.fcc.gov.

Regional Medical Communications Center (RMCC)

An RMCC is a state designated communications entity with a regional mission and focus that coordinates hospitals, ambulance services and other medical resources, in real time, to optimize emergency patient care in situations where local governments and health care providers request assistance. RMCCs are authorized by TCA 68-140-201—208 and EMS Board rules 1200-12-1-.08.

There are currently 8 Regional Medical Communication Centers throughout the state. They are located in Johnson City, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Cookeville, Nashville, Columbia, Jackson and Memphis.

Regional EMS System

A multi-county system comprised of all hospitals, ambulance services, dispatch centers and related entities that functions as an interactive emergency health care network coordinated through a regional medical communications center for the purposes of providing medical information and coordinating patient movement and medical resources.

Radio Systems Analyst for State of Tennessee 
Vince Cuevas
(615) 906-5068