East - Region


Counties in the East Region Include:

Anderson, Blount, Campbell, Claiborne, Cocke, Grainger, Hamblen, Jefferson, Loudon, Monroe, Morgan, Roane, Scott, Sevier, Union

Tennessee Teens in Action

Tobacco is no longer accepted as a social norm; Tennessee teens are educating their peers and influencing younger youth on the dangers of tobacco. 

Midway High School Baseball Team

Tobacco-Free Baseball

Congrats Midway High School Baseball Team for taking the tobacco-free pledge!!

February 2020


Tobacco-Free Baseball

Sequoyah High School Baseball team took the tobacco-free pledge. Congrats! 

March 2019 

Monroe County 

Our Youth Coalition/ County SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) Club met last Friday for strategic planning. Represented by four local schools, two middle schools, and two high schools. Nicotine (in all forms), alcohol, marijuana, bullying, and sexting were the top focuses chosen. Students planned their recruitment activities for their SADD chapters within the first few weeks of school and will then execute activities related to the focuses. They have also been choosing campaigns from the SADD national calendar and are planning a county-wide kickball tournament for Kick Butts Day. 


Tellico Plains High School Softball Team

Tobacco-Free Softball

Congrats Tellico Plains High School Softball team for choosing to be tobacco-free!! 

February 2020

Greenback High School Softball Team

Tobacco-Free Softball

Shoutout to the Greenback High School Softball team for taking the tobacco-free pledge! 

March 2020

Morristown Hamblen East High School Baseball Team

Tobacco-Free Baseball

Congrats Morristown Hamblen High School Baseball team for choosing to be tobacco-free! 

October 2019

ASAP Youth Ambassador Coalition

The ASAP Youth Ambassador Coalition (YAC) is high school students who work to carry out the mission of ASAP. Our mission is to prevent and reduce substance misuse among youth and adults in Anderson County, through working in their schools and community as leaders and change-makers. Students can use their volunteer hours as community service hours. This year, ASAP is expanding YAC to include all 6 Middle Schools in the county. Activities include legislative advocacy for tobacco and substance misuse, including a visit to our local representatives on Capitol Hill in Nashville. Past events include a tobacco-free movie night, mentoring younger students by bringing awareness of the dangers of e-cigarettes and vaping to their peers, park clean-ups, and an annual statewide youth summit. This year, the high school students will travel to Washington DC to meet with legislators on the national level.