Mid-Cumberland - Region


Counties in the Mid-Cumberland Region Include:

Cheatham, Dickson, Houston, Humphreys, Montgomery, Robertson, Rutherford, Stewart, Sumner, Trousdale, Williamson, Wilson

Tennessee Teens in Action

Tobacco is no longer accepted as a social norm; Tennessee teens are educating their peers and influencing younger youth on the dangers of tobacco. 

Elliott at Robertson County Prevention

TNSTRONG Ambassador Educates Leaders on the Issues Related to Nicotine Products

Elliot presents at the Robertson County Prevention Coalition meeting.  Elliot talked about the issues of tobacco, vaping and abuse of other substances from a youth perspective. He is also part of the Social Media, outreach and recruitment teams! Way to go Elliot! 

November 2019

Centennial High School

Tobacco-Free Softball

Congrats to the Centennial High school softball team for taking the pledge to be tobacco-free. 

October 2019

Elliot Esquilla and Healht Educator, Rachel Wright

The journey of a TNSTRONG Ambassador

Robertson County TNSTRONG Ambassador, Elliot Esquilla, presented at the Robertson County Health Council meeting on his journey to becoming a TNSTORNG Youth Ambassador, what the expectations of being an Ambassador are, and how he and the council can collaborate on future endeavors.  GREAT JOB ELLIOT!

Health Educator, Rachel Wright, was right there encouraging and cheering him on!  THANKS, RACHEL!  

October 2019

Mayor Weiss and John Boyle Proclamation

Proclamation for a TNSTRONG Ambassador

Dickson Mayor Don Weiss Jr. issued a proclamation supporting John Boyle's Picture Me Tobacco-Free Campaign. 

August 2019


To raise awareness of the dangers of tobacco use John Boyle crafted a public service announcement. He won two global film festival awards and the Gold Remi as the High School Student Filmmaker. This PSA plays before all feature movies at the local movie theater, and aires in 19 markets on NECAT (Nashville Education and Creative Arts Television).  He has also recorded a 30-second radio PSA that plays before all Dickson County basketball games. 


Springfield High School Softball Team Going Tobacco-Free

Robertson County Health Educator Rachel Wright partnered with the Springfield High School Softball Coach Nicole Phillips to provide the players with Knock Tobacco Out Of The Park t-shirts. The girls participated in a 2-part tobacco education series. Players who pledged to remain tobacco-free received a TNSTRONG t-shirt. Together, the girls wore the shirts on a home game day. Way to go, Springfield High School!

May  2019

Springfield High School Softball Team

Tobacco-Free Softball

Way to go Springfield High School Softball team for choosing to be tobacco-free!! 

February 2020

Whitworth-Buchanan Middle School

Tobacco-Free Baseball

Whitworth-Buchanan Middle School baseball team took the tobacco-free Pledge. Way to Go!! 

February 2020

Lady Jackets

Tobacco-Free Softball

Springfield Middle School's softball team takes the pledge to be tobacco-free. Way to go team! 

October 2019


Educating Adults

John Boyle spoke at the Dickson High Noon Rotary Club about his anti-tobacco/ anti-vaping crusade. He cited some scary statistics about an epidemic that is sweeping his generation. He spoke about his efforts to raise awareness through peer-to-peer education but also said, "I urge you to talk to your kids. But be sure to listen to what they have to say and what they’re seeing at their school." 

October 2019

Picture Me Tobacco Free

Picture Me Tobacco-Free Campaign

In the age of the selfie and social media, Picture Me Tobacco Free, puts everyone in the center focus of a powerful message. This is a campaign to raise awareness about the dangers of tobacco and nicotine use. It’s intended to celebrate those who have made the decision not to start. But the campaign also celebrates those who have made the decision to quit. Furthermore, it serves to inspire those who would like to quit. Picture Me means envisioning yourself Tobacco Free. All are welcome in this crusade.

My campaign started on Facebook, and I began by taking pictures of people with a frame that proudly proclaims, “Picture Me Tobacco Free.” As the campaign progressed, participants began to share their journeys of quitting or stories of losing loved ones to tobacco-related illnesses. I realized that this was a great opportunity to bring along handouts and QuitLine information — to let people know there are resources available if you want to quit and support for family and friends who want to quit.

As my campaign evolves, I seek to travel to businesses, health fairs and community gatherings to set up a table with information and have my Picture Me Tobacco Free frame on hand for visitors to share on social media. This a revolution that sends a powerful message. It seizes the opportunity to put everyone in central focus in an age where all eyes are upon you and to proudly proclaim, “Picture Me Tobacco Free!”

John Boyle, TNSTRONG Teen Ambassador

June 2019


Mill Creek Middle School Pledges to be Tobacco-Free

Shoutout to Mill Creek Middle School in Williamson County! Their baseball team too the Tobacco-Free pledge. 

February 2019