Education and Trainings


There are a variety of suicide prevention training options to choose from across Tennessee, whether you are a clinician, a non-clinical health care worker, a school or university administrator or educator, or community member.

*  indicates trainings that are available virtually

Please contact a Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network Regional Director to request a training for
your community. For contact information, visit
  • Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Gatekeeper Training * - Training designed to teach participants how to recognize the warning signs of someone who may be contemplating suicide and question them about whether or not they are suicidal, how to offer hope to an individual experiencing a suicidal crisis and persuade them to get help, and how to refer an individual having a suicidal crisis to help in order to save their life.
  • Alcohol and Drug QPR * - Customized version of QPR focused on the role substance abuse plays in suicide.
  • General Suicide Prevention Training - Presentation covering basic suicide prevention and warning signs of suicide.
  • Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Training - Training that teaches participants how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. The course introduces participants to risk factors and warning signs of mental health concerns, builds understanding of their impact, and provides an overview of common treatments.
  • Applied Suicide Intervention Skills (ASIST) Training - Training that provides intensive suicide first-aid training using an evidence-based suicide intervention model which teaches participants how to identify persons with thoughts of suicide, how to seek a shared understanding of reasons for dying and living, how to develop a safety plan, and how to prepare for follow-up. 
  • Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale(C-SSRS) * - Training which teaches participants how to use the suicide risk assessment tool in order to identify whether someone is at risk for suicide, assess the severity and immediacy of that risk, and gauge the level of support that the person needs.

The following trainings are available at , and focuses on those working directly with children and youth.

  • Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) - Training that teaches participants the unique risk factors and warning signs of mental health problems in adolescents (12-18), builds understanding of the importance of early intervention, and teaches individuals how to help an adolescent who is in crisis or experiencing a mental health challenge.


Please contact a Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network Regional Director to request a training for your community. For contact information, visit

  • Suicide to Hope(s2H) - Workshop designed for clinicians and caregivers working with those recently at risk of and currently safe from suicide. It provides tools to help these caregivers and persons with experiences of suicide work together to develop achievable and significant recovery and growth goals.
  • Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk (AMSR) - Workshop designed for mental health professionals to improve suicide risk assessment, treatment planning, and case management for clients at risk for suicide.
  • Suicide Prevention in the Emergency Department * - Training focused on training hospital emergency department staff about mental health and suicide. The screening, assessment, and referral process of patients at risk for suicide, environmental risk factors for suicide in the hospital setting, means reduction, and referral materials to provide to patients upon discharge. For Hospital Emergency Department staff.

The following trainings are available at

  • CALM: Counseling on Access to Lethal Means Training * - Training designed to help providers implement counseling strategies within their care practices to help clients at risk for suicide and their families reduce access to lethal means, particularly (but not exclusively) firearms. This training is also sutiable for the general population.

The following trainings are available at

The Jason Foundation * - Training modules which provides information on the awareness and prevention of youth suicide. This series of programs introduces the scope and magnitude of the problem of youth suicide, the signs of concern, risk factors, how to recognize young people who may be struggling, how to approach the student and help an at-risk youth find resources for assistance.

Please contact a Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network Regional Director to request a training for your community. For contact information, visit