Training for Mental Health Providers
Trainings for Healthcare and Behavioral Healthcare Providers and Professionals
Training Name |
Description |
Audience |
Suicide to Hope(s2H)
Workshop designed for clinicians and caregivers working with those recently at risk of and currently safe from suicide. It provides tools to help these caregivers and persons with experiences of suicide work together to develop achievable and significant recovery and growth goals.
Mental Health Clinicians and Professionals
Contact Information:
Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk (AMSR)
Workshop designed for mental health professionals to improve suicide risk assessment, treatment planning, and case management for clients at risk for suicide.
Mental Health Professionals
Contact Information:
CALM: Counseling on Access to Lethal Means Training *
Training designed to help providers implement counseling strategies within their care practices to help clients at risk for suicide and their families reduce access to lethal means, particularly (but not exclusively) firearms.
Healthcare Providers, but also available for the general population
Contact Information:
Suicide Prevention in the Emergency Department *
Training focused on training hospital emergency department staff about mental health and suicide. The screening, assessment, and referral process of patients at risk for suicide, environmental risk factors for suicide in the hospital setting, means reduction, and referral materials to provide to patients upon discharge.
Hospital Emergency Department staff
Contact Information:
* indicates trainings that are available virtually