Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Overview
The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is a national network of more than 200,000 volunteers in approximately 800 units located throughout the United States and its territories.
The MRC program began after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, when individuals were eager to volunteer in support of emergency relief activities but there was no organized approach to channel their efforts. President George W. Bush launched the MRC at his 2002 State of the Union address. The MRC established a way to recruit, train and activate medical and non-medical volunteers to respond to disasters and other public health emergencies.
Tennessee has 13 MRC units located across the state with approximately 17,000 volunteers. The units organize teams of medical and non-medical volunteers to support public health activities in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from public health emergencies, and natural man-made catastrophic events.
The volunteer’s role in the units will be to practice their profession or skill as either an individual called up at the time of a disaster, or as part of a response team. For example, medical volunteers may assist with giving out medications or immunizations. Support volunteers may assist with directing patients, registration, or filling out forms.
Volunteers may be asked to assist at Point of Dispensing (POD) sites with vaccinations or antibiotic distribution. They may also be asked to respond to natural disaster events including floods, tornadoes, and ice storms.Volunteer will receive training on their local public health emergency plans, Incident Command and Mental Health Preparedness. Volunteers will also be invited to participate in emergency drills.
Contact Us
To find out more about an MRC Unit or to contact the MRC Coordinator of that Unit. Click a Region of the map below, or zoom to a specific County, to see contact information for the MRC Coordinator for the specific Region or County.

If you have further questions about the MRCs in general please use our MRC Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) box below.
If you would like to register now and are a Tennessee licensed medical professional, please click the Medical MRC box below.
If you would like to register now and are NOT a Tennessee licensed medical professional, please click the Non-Medical box below.