BCCX Lifers Club Ends 2020 Donation Campaign, Over $31K Raised

Wednesday, December 02, 2020 | 03:53pm
BCCX Lifers Club Donation

PIKEVILLE – It has no doubt been a difficult year for all Tennesseans.  From devastating storms in March to the arrival of the novel coronavirus, our normal way of life continues to be impacted.  In a time when people in need are having to rely on their communities more than ever, help is coming from an unlikely source: inmates at the Bledsoe County Correctional Complex (BCCX).

The BCCX Lifers Club has raised over $31,000 this year for nonprofit organizations throughout the state.  Over $10,500 was donated to the First Southern Baptist Food Bank and over $12,300 was given to children's advocacy and outreach programs, including Van Buren County Head Start’s Toys for Tots and Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital.

“These are our communities too and we want to help,” said Lifers Club member Chris.  “This is the least we could do and we hope it's able to positively impact those who are most in need.”

“Not many expect help from state inmates, but I think this is a perfect reminder that those inmates are human beings who, despite having made mistakes in their lives, want to do good,” said Warden Shawn Phillips.  “They genuinely care about the causes they are working to help and we’re proud of their efforts.”

The Lifers Club is a group of inmates serving sentences of 25 years or more.  The group is committed to philanthropic work throughout the state.  Since 2016, the Lifers Club has collected and donated $111,296.

BCCX Lifers Club Donation List
BCCX Lifers Club Donation List