File a Complaint

If you have a complaint about the services provided at a local Tennessee American Job Center or a job a Tennessee American Job Center referred to you, please get in touch with your local Tennessee American Job Center Manager, the State Monitor Advocate, or write to:

Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development
Division of Workforce Services
State Monitor Advocate
220 French Landing Drive, 4B
Nashville, TN 37243

If you have a complaint about other employment-related matters, the Tennessee American Job Center or State Monitor Advocate will provide you with information on agencies that may be able to assist you. Please be assured that we take every complaint seriously and aim to improve our customer service with your input.

Complaints About Other Job Issues

The Department of Labor and Workforce Development includes several divisions that focus on a variety of employment issues. Please click the links below if you wish to file a complaint about one of the following job-related matters: