Oil and Gas Well Permit
Who Needs An Oil And Gas Well Permit?
Persons who drill, deepen or reopen oil and gas wells must obtain a permit.
What Information Must I Provide?
Applicants must submit the following items with the proper fees before starting any activity:
- A notarized Application For Permit To Drill (CN-0211) which requires the name, address and telephone number of the well owner and operator, well number and name of the U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 topographic quadrangle, distance and direction from the nearest town or post office; ground elevation, proposed total depth and name of geological formation to be tested, and the purpose for drilling the well (Note: This form must be printed double-sided prior to being notarized.)
- An Organization Report (CN-0219) which identifies the company, organization, individual or group for whom the benefit of the project is being conducted
- A Surface Owner Certification (CN-0694) stating that the landowner has been notified of any planned surface disturbances, and a certified mail receipt showing that Form CN-0694 has been sent. There is a fifteen day waiting period for the landowner to respond to the State after receiving Form CN-0694. However, this waiting period can be waived if the landowner signs a Statement of No Objection form to proposed surface disturbances, or if they sign the plat.
- A Pooling Affidavit (CN-0690) for sites with more than one landowner
- A well location plat, constructed by a Tennessee registered surveyor, showing the proposed location of the oil and gas well site; the proposed location of all new ingress and egress; the location of all diversions, drilling pits, dikes and elated structures and facilities; the location of proposed storage tanks and all other surface disturbances
- A Reclamation Plan (CN-0692) committing the operator to appropriate cleanup measures within 30 days of plugging and abandonment
- A two thousand dollar single well plugging bond is required for wells drilled from 0 to 2500'. Wells drilled from 2501' to 5000' requires a three thousand dollar single well plugging bond. Any well drilled deeper than 5000' will require an additional one dollar per foot cost for single well plugging bonds. Blanket plugging bonds are available for 10 wells drilled from 0 to 5000' is $20,000. Blanket plugging bonds from 5001' to 10,000' is $30,000 for 10 wells. There are no blanket bonds for wells deeper than 10,000 feet. (Contact the Division of Mineral & Geologic Resources for instructions)
- Evidence of a Reclamation Bond of $1,500 per well site (Contact the Division of Mineral & Geologic Resources)
Applicants must submit the following items when changing operators or amending their permits:
Form Description & Number
- Application For Permit To Drill, CN-0211
- Organization Report, CN-0219
- Surface Owners Notification Certification, CN-0694
- Pooling Affidavit, CN-0690
- Reclamation plan, CN-0692
- Statement of No Objection, CN-0691
- Application to Change Operators, CN-0237
- Application to Amend Well Permit, CN-0228
- Plug and Abandon Report, CN-0217
- Well History, Work Summary, and Completion or Recompletion Report, CN-0221
- Annual Well Report, CN-1272
- Comprehensive Bond Identification, CN-0120
How Will My Application Be Processed?
The application, required forms and proper fees should be submitted to the Division of Mineral & Geologic Resources, Oil and Gas Program. A detailed review of the application is conducted, and the site is inspected by the Division. The review process may take up to 15 days. No public review is required. The permit is valid for three (3) months.
What Fees Are Required?
All checks should be made payable to the Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation (TDEC).
- Permit fee: $500
- Permit amendment fee: $100
- Change of Operator fee: $100
- Temporary Abandonment of well $100 per well per year
Temporary abandonment of well is for wells that are not producing but have not been plugged and closed out. The fee is due each year until the well is plugged
What Are My Rights And Responsibilities After The Permit Is Approved?
The applicant may proceed with the approved activities as stated on the permit. The permit is transferable upon submittal and approval of the Application to Change Operators (CN-0237) and other requirements. The permit can be amended after the submittal and approval of the Application to Amend a Well Permit (CN-0228) for the purposes of
The applicant is responsible for completing work within six (6) months from the cessation of drilling. Fifteen Day Progress On Drill Reports describing well activities must be submitted to the Division upon request. The applicant also is responsible for complying with testing, monitoring, prevention of hazards and pollution, and all other requirements pertaining to the drilling, re-entry, plugging and abandoning, and the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas wells.
What Are The Division's Rights And Responsibilities After The Permit Is Approved?
The Division has the right to inspect the site when deemed necessary. Penalties for violations can reach to a maximum of $10,000 per day per violation.
The Tennessee Board of Water Quality, Oil and Gas, is responsible for preventing waste and protecting the waters and natural resources of the state from any adverse effects associated with drilling, deepening or reopening gas and oil wells.
Whom Do I Contact For Applications, Assistance, And Other Information?
Tennessee Oil and Gas Program Staff
- George Stephens, Supervisor, 865-221-3214, George.Stephens@tn.gov
- Elaine Foust, Geologist, 615-476-0489, Elaine.Foust@tn.gov
All correspondence and permit application materials must be sent to the following address:
Tennessee Division of Mineral & Geologic Resources
Oil and Gas Program
Knoxville Environmental Field Office
3711 Middlebrook Pike
Knoxville, Tennessee 37921
(865) 594-6035
Applicants may refer to the following publications for further information:
This Page Last Updated: May 2, 2024 at 3:56 PM