Fiscal Services

The Fiscal Services Division supports the BOP mission by providing a variety of administrative services.  Fiscal Services staff hold themselves to high accountability standards for state resources and compliance with state rules and regulations, while working to promote those standards throughout the agency.  Division staff prepare and manage the agency budget and provide necessary resources to all staff as timely and efficiently as possible. 

The Fiscal Services Division is governed not only by agency policies and procedures, but also by those of other state entities. Compliance with the rules of the Department of Finance and Administration, the Comptroller of the Treasury and the Department of General Services is critical.  In addition, governmental accounting standards must also be considered in many of the division’s operations.  Division staff take great pride in being knowledgeable of the policies and procedures governing their areas and in assisting staff with meeting agency needs by working within those guidelines.

The responsibilities of Fiscal Services are varied and include:


·       Budget Preparation

·       Budget Monitoring

·       Budget Reporting

General Accounting

·       Accounts Payables

·       Revenue Collection and Reconciliations

Purchasing and Equipment Leasing

Asset Management

·       Inventory control of equipment

·       Maintenance and disposal of state property and equipment

Facility Leasing and Monitoring

Miscellaneous Administrative Services

·       Printing and Publications

·       Publications

·       Records Management

·       Telecommunications

·       Vehicle Management