Historical Timeline
1929 A parole system, indeterminate sentences for adult offenders, and an Advisory Board of Pardons created.
1931 Advisory Board of Pardons created a system for parole eligibility.
1937 Board of Pardons and Paroles created by legislation; appointments made by the Governor; the Commissioner of the Department of Institutions and Public Welfare chaired the Board.
1955 Department of Institutions and Public Welfare name changed to Department of Correction (TDOC).
1957 Act established the Division of Juvenile Probation.
1961 Act established the Division of Adult Probation and Parole.
1963 Board of Pardons and Paroles set as five part-time members; first African-American member appointed.
1970 Act changed Board Chair from the TDOC Commissioner to election by Board Members.
1972 Act changed Board to three full-time, professional members (one as Chair) appointed by the Governor.
1978 Board of Pardons and Paroles expanded to five full-time members.
1979 Pardons and Paroles Reform Act of 1979 removed the Board from TDOC and established its autonomy. Parole officers and support staff were placed under the supervision of the Board through an Executive Director and Director of Paroles.
1985 Act gave emergency powers to reduce overcrowding. The Governor directed the Board to change eligibility dates of inmates, enabling enough releases to reduce the prison population to 90 percent.
1989 Act expanded Board from five to seven members and created limited internal appellate review upon denial, revocation or rescission of parole.
1992 Criminal Sentencing Reform Act altered sentencing and parole eligibility for all crimes.
1997 Tennessee Offender Management Information System (TOMIS) database project implemented.
1999 Legislative changes increased the number of votes necessary to finalize parole grant decisions involving the most serious criminal offenses. Interstate Compact strengthened by applying stricter standards for acceptance and supervision of offenders from other states by Tennessee.
2003 A new Interstate Compact on Probation and Parole, allowing the supervision of adult offenders from one participating state by another state, was enacted by the General Assembly.
2004 Legislation passed designating BOPP as a registering agency for sex offenders in cooperation with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and other law enforcement agencies.
2005 BOPP planned and implemented the Global Positioning System (GPS) program for the monitoring of sex offenders.
2007 Legislation passed creating the first armed enforcement unit solely under BOPP jurisdiction.
2009 Legislation passed requiring trial courts, BOPP and TDOC to coordinate efforts, using a common validated assessment instrument, to prepare offenders for re-entry into society. It allows the Board to impose intermediate administrative sanctions, including mandated participation in treatment programs, unless otherwise directed by the courts.
2009 BOPP and TDOC began implementation of the Joint Offender Management Plan to enhance offender success.
2012 Legislation passed calling for all supervision of offenders, from incarceration through community supervision, to be placed under the Department of Correction. The transfer took place on July 1, 2012. BOPP was renamed the Tennessee Board of Parole (BOP) and remained an independent agency overseeing parole decisions and processes.
2013 Richard Montgomery, a former state lawmaker from Sevier County, was appointed to the Board on January 9 by Gov. Bill Haslam. On July 1, 2013, Haslam appointed Montgomery to the post of Board Chairman.