Milestones - 1980s
A Timeline:
1980 First Five-year master plan developed as guide for service development, facility construction, and funding of mental handicap program. Plan revised in 1982. Governor's Task Force on the Prevention of Mental Retardation formed.
1981 Federal Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Block Grant Act brought major restructuring of relationship among Federal, State, and local governments. Changed pattern of funding for community mental health centers.
1982 Task Force on Children and Youth appointed to study improvement and expansion of services for this population. New evaluation standards developed for community mental health centers.
1983 Community Initiative plan proposed to allocate additional funds to community health centers through further reductions in census at the institutes. Healthy Children initiative begins four-year effort to emphasize health care and healthy lifestyle for all children in Tennessee.
1984 Department develops 2 1/2 year plan emphasizing additional community and children's programs.
1986 "Protection and Advocacy for Mentally Ill Individuals Act of 1986"
1987 Eric Taylor named Commissioner of Department. Law to license facilities that provide services to two or more unrelated people who have mental illness, chemical dependency or mental retardation. The department secured a multi-year grant from the National Institutes of Mental Health for human resource development.
1988 "Creativity Unlimited," a traveling arts and crafts show exhibiting the artwork of individuals with mental illness, mental retardation and developmental disabilities, opened. The feature exhibit was Myrllen's Coat. The Divisions of Mental Health Services and Alcohol and Drug Abuse developed a joint plan for treating persons with dual-diagnosis: mental illness and/or drug abuse.
1989 The Divisions of Mental Health Services and Alcohol and Drug Abuse developed a joint plan for treating persons with dual diagnosis - mental illness and alcohol and/or drug abuse. The Division of Mental Health Services joined the Department of Human Services and the Division of Juvenile Services (Department of Correction) in the creation of seven home-based family preservation projects. The Developmental Disabilities Council and the Division of Mental Retardation established an office for People First.