Fast Facts: TDMHSAS Marijuana Treatment and Recovery

Marijuana has remained steady as the third most prevalent substance of abuse for people receiving TDMHSAS-funded treatment and recovery services for some time.  The map below represents Individuals 12+ receiving TDMHSAS-funded substance abuse treatment and recovery services.

Source: Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services WITS, FY2014-FY2019; US Census, 2013-2018.

Notes: (1) Individuals reporting marijuana abuse receiving TDMHSAS-funded substance abuse treatment and recovery services include Tennessee residents age 12 and older, below the 133% poverty level and have no other insurance coverage for substance abuse treatment and/or recovery services. (2) Up to three substances can be listed for each treatment admission.  Individuals abusing marijuana includes any mention of marijuana. (3) Percentages and rates per 10,000 people living in poverty for ages 12 and older were calculated for counties with 20 or more individuals abusing marijuana.  (4) Information is based on county of residence.