2022 Audits
Below is a list of audits related to the 2022 election. Audits are listed when selected per statute or Requested by the Registry Members' vote. After the audits are completed and approved by the Registry , the listed audit name will become a link to a PDF version of the audit report.
Full Campaign Audits
Rep. Rebecca Alexander, House District 7
Rep. Bill Beck, House District 51
Jeffery Young Crum, House District 13
Rep. Tandy Darby, House District 76
Gabriel Fancher, House District 13
James Hart, House District 76
Judge Robert L Holloway Jr., Criminal Court of Appeals
Judge John Westley McClarty, Court of Appeals
Kelly Northcutt, District 13
Chief Justice Roger A. Page, Supreme Court
Rep. Robert Stevens, House District 13
Kevin A West, House District 76
Sen. Dawn White, District 13
Governor Bill Lee, Gubernatorial
Jason Martin, Gubernatorial
Unitemized Contribution Audits
Judge Damita Dandridge, Circuit Court 30-8 (2022 Second Quarter)
Deangelo Jelks, House District 52 (2021 Pre-General)
Rep. Justin Jones, House District 52 (2022 First Quarter)
Deanna McLaughlin, House District 75 (2022 Second Quarter)
Judge Clarence Pridemore Jr., Chancery Court 6-2 (2021 Year-End)
JB Smiley, Governor (2022 Pre-Primary)
Robert Weiss, Circuit Court 30-8 (2021 Year-End)
Board Requested Audits