Winter 2020 Commission Meeting
Winter Quarterly Meeting
Cordell Hull Building, Senate Hearing Room 1
Friday, January 31, 2020, 9:00 AM
Video Recording
Combined Agenda (PDF)
Approval of Minutes, November 7, 2019 Meeting
Chairman’s Report
Executive Director’s Report
Consent Calendar
I. Postsecondary Education Authorization
A. Institutional Reauthorization
B. Authorization of New Institutions
C. Approval of New Programs
D. Optional Expedited Authorization
II. 2019-2020 Revised Operating Budgets
III. Off-Campus Location Center: Volunteer State Community College, Highland Crest
Regular Calendar
II. New Academic Programs
A. University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Bachelor of Science
B. University of Memphis, Engineering Management, Master of Science
C. University of Memphis, Doctor of Social Work
D. University of Memphis, Applied Physics PhD
III. Fiscal Policy: Funding Formula Review Committee
IV. Administrative Rules: Fee Discount Programs
A. Adoption- Fee Discounts for Children of Public School Teachers
B. Adoption- Fee Discounts for Children of State Employees
C. Repeal- Fee Discounts
System Reports
Tennessee Board of Regents
University of Tennessee
Locally Governed Institutions