Logo Sign Program
All logo signs in the state of Tennessee are installed and maintained by a local contractor.
Please direct all applications, questions, and to report damaged or missing logo signs to:
Tennessee Logos, Inc.
1993 Southerland Drive
Nashville, TN 37207
Phone: 844.208.5646 OR 615.650.2729
Logo Sign Program Rules and Regulations (pdf)
The Logo Sign Program is intended to provide the traveling public with business identification and directional information for essential motorist services. Logo signs are located prior to each interchange ramp on rural interstate highways where motorist services are provided. There are five different types of logo signs that direct the motorist to a specific type of service including GAS, FOOD, LODGING, CAMPING, and ATTRACTIONS. On each panel, there is space for six individual business logos to alert the traveling public to the available services that are located at each interchange.

Located along the off-ramps at each interchange are smaller signs that indicate the direction and distance to each business from the exit ramp. This allows motorists to quickly and easily locate important services such as gas stations, restaurants, lodging facilities, and campgrounds.
To report any concerns with the program please contact the program administrator
Eric Jackson, P.E.
Transportation Project Specialist - Senior
Phone: 615.741.0802
Fax: 615.253.5462