TDOT Hosts Annual Paint-The-Plow Event in Bradley County

Tuesday, October 29, 2024 | 03:08pm

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. – The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) partnered with Taylor Elementary School and Local 3 News for the region’s second annual paint-the-plow event and weather education day. A group of elementary school students had two weeks to design and paint a TDOT snowplow. This year’s theme is Work with Us – Move Over, Slow Down.

The mural features their school’s mascot as a construction worker holding a stop sign. The mural includes an orange caution cone and wording that reads, “Taylor Tigers & TDOT say: Watch Out, Move Over, Slow Down” in black lettering. The group of young artists unveiled their mural this morning in the school parking lot. Afterward, they had the opportunity to learn more about what it takes for TDOT to clear roadways during a winter weather event.

Local 3 News Meteorologist Clay Smith led an educational session about winter weather forecasting.

TDOT is always looking for opportunities to share transportation initiatives in the communities where we live and work. This painted plow will hit the highways come winter to keep our roads clear and safe in the southeast.

Media is welcome to use the provided broll. The location is Cleveland.

  • 00-46 seconds – footage of today’s event/completed plow reveal
  • 46-54 seconds – footage of students when the snowplow was delivered
  • 54-1:12 seconds – footage of students painting the plow

As always, drivers are reminded to use all motorist information tools wisely and Know Before You Go! by checking travel conditions before leaving for your destination. Drivers should never tweet, text, or talk on a cell phone while behind the wheel.

The Move Over Law was passed in 2006. The penalty for violating the law in Tennessee carries the possibility of up to 30 days in jail and a maximum fine of up to $500.

Get the latest construction activity traffic updates from the TDOT SmartWay Map. Travelers can also call 511 for statewide travel information.
