Report Fraud, Waste, or Abuse

The Tennessee Department of Transportation is committed to maintaining a highly ethical environment and eliminating any misuse of taxpayer money. TDOT's Office of Internal Audit offers Integrity Services which provide reporting mechanisms and investigative services to detect and pursue acts of fraud, waste or abuse by employees, vendors, contractors, consultants, and grant recipients.
Suspected fraud waste, or abuse of TDOT resources can be reported by phone or online. Examples of reportable incidents include, but are not limited to:
♦ Theft of Money/Equipment/Services
♦ Fraud or Misuse of Grant Funds
♦ Personal Use of TDOT Assets
♦ Corruption or Official Misconduct
♦ Personal Business on TDOT Time
♦ Payroll Fraud
♦ Gross Waste or Abuse of TDOT Resources
♦ Purchasing Fraud
♦ Falsification of Documents or Reports
♦ Accepting or Soliciting Bribes
Reporting Options *
Complete the form and click submit.
The information will be sent to the TDOT Integrity Services Team.
Call the TDOT Integrity Line at 615-253-5305 or Toll Free 1-855-801-0137.
When reporting by phone, please provide the following information:
- nature of the incident
- name or names of individuals involved
- when, where, and how incident occurred
- any additional information that will aid investigation
* Providing your name and contact information is optional; anonymous tips will be investigated with the same level of concern as other reports. However, we will be unable to further discuss the report with you and our investigation may be limited by our inability to contact you for additional information. If you choose to divulge your identity, the information will remain confidential to the extent permitted by law.
The TDOT Integrity Services Program should not be used for reporting routine personnel issues such as employee grievances or complaints relating to civil rights, harassment, and equal employment