Due Date For Certain Franchise And Excise Tax, Business Tax And Hall Income Tax Returns Is Monday, April 18, Rather Than Friday, April 15
NASHVILLE - Due dates for certain Tennessee franchise and excise tax returns, business tax returns and Hall income tax returns will be Monday, April 18, instead of Friday, April 15, to be consistent with the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) federal income tax filing deadline for most of the country.
Emancipation Day will be celebrated on Friday, April 15, in Washington, D.C., making it a legal IRS holiday. Emancipation Day is a local public holiday in Washington, D.C., which commemorates when President Abraham Lincoln signed a declaration freeing slaves living in the city. In accordance with Tennessee law, whenever the due date for filing a return occurs on a legal holiday for IRS purposes, the Commissioner of Revenue may extend the due date to the next workday. As such, this year, Tennessee franchise and excise tax returns, Hall income tax returns and business tax returns with a tax period ending on December 31, 2015 will be considered timely if they are filed on or before April 18.
Taxpayers May Electronically File 2015 Tax Returns
The Department began accepting franchise and excise tax returns, estate trust tax returns and Hall income tax returns via the Modernized E-File (“MeF”) Program in January. Taxpayers may file business tax, franchise and excise tax and Hall income tax portal returns through the Department’s website at www.tn.gov/revenue. Click on “e-file and pay,” then the appropriate tax type to begin.
The Department of Revenue is responsible for the administration of state tax laws and motor vehicle title and registration laws and the collection of taxes and fees associated with those laws. The Department collects about 87 percent of total state revenue. During the 2015 fiscal year, it collected $12.6 billion in state taxes and fees and more than $2.4 billion in taxes and fees for local governments. To learn more about the Department, visit www.tn.gov/revenue .