Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F)
What is it?
Holistic Health and Fitness represents a cultural shift from the industrial scale approaches of the past where massed formations received the same training in a one-size-fits-all approach.
–FM 7-22 Holistic Health and Fitness
Tennessee Holistic Health and Fitness (TNH2F) works to train, elevate, and retain the readiness of the force through integrated and standardized programs that empower soldiers and their families to live sustainable healthy lifestyles.
The five domains of the Holistic Health and Fitness program build the Army’s readiness goals and are based on the principles of optimization, individualization, and immersion. The goal is to improve each soldier’s physical lethality and mental toughness by linking physical readiness, nutritional readiness, mental readiness, spiritual readiness, and sleep readiness. H2F is designed to optimize the soldier’s readiness, reduce injury rates, improve rehabilitation after injury, and increase the overall effectiveness of the Total Army.

Who can I contact for more Information?
Program OIC
1LT Katelyn Wilson
Phone: 615-351-9586
Email: katelyn.e.wilson.mil@army.mil
Program NCOIC
SFC Kenneth Weichert
Phone: 415-225-5715
Email: kenneth.b.weichert.mil@army.mill