Identification Requirements

Identification Requirements (Photocopies Acceptable)

  1. If the application is signed and notarized, no additional identification documents are required.
  2. If the actual mother’s copy of a birth certificate for the current year and previous two years is submitted as the application and the response is being mailed to a parent, no additional identification documents are required.

Accepted Forms of Identification

  • One valid item from the following list:
  1. Current driver's license, including the issue and expiration date.
  2. Current passport
  3. Military I.D. card
  4. Alien, temporary or permanent resident card
  5. Employment authorization card
  6. U.S. Certificate of Naturalization
  7. Certificate of Citizenship or Citizenship I.D. card


  • Two items from the following list:
  1. Current pay stub or W2
  2. Vehicle registration with name and current address
  3. Voter Registration card
  4. Military Discharge (DD214)
  5. Utility Bill, Bank Statement or deposit slip with name and current address
  6. Health care coverage card
  7. Medical record
  8. Application page of an insurance policy
  9. Signed Social Security Card
  10. For those persons who have had their I.D. stolen, a copy a police report or other official documents which support the theft.