Identification Requirements
Identification Requirements (Photocopies Acceptable)
- If the application is signed and notarized, no additional identification documents are required.
- If the actual mother’s copy of a birth certificate for the current year and previous two years is submitted as the application and the response is being mailed to a parent, no additional identification documents are required.
Accepted Forms of Identification
- One valid item from the following list:
- Current driver's license, including the issue and expiration date.
- Current passport
- Military I.D. card
- Alien, temporary or permanent resident card
- Employment authorization card
- U.S. Certificate of Naturalization
- Certificate of Citizenship or Citizenship I.D. card
- Two items from the following list:
- Current pay stub or W2
- Vehicle registration with name and current address
- Voter Registration card
- Military Discharge (DD214)
- Utility Bill, Bank Statement or deposit slip with name and current address
- Health care coverage card
- Medical record
- Application page of an insurance policy
- Signed Social Security Card
- For those persons who have had their I.D. stolen, a copy a police report or other official documents which support the theft.