HIV Prevention in Local Communities
Each year, the Tennessee Department of Health HIV Prevention Program allocates funding for evidence-based HIV prevention activities to at least one organization in each of the five Ryan White Part B planning regions.
These activities include condom distribution, PrEP [pre-exposure prophylaxis] navigation, HIV prevention services for people living with HIV (including rapid linkage to care and supportive services), Partner Services for the partners of people living with HIV, syringe services, and peer support for people vulnerable to HIV.
The organizations funded for HIV prevention services make up the HIV Prevention Coalition. In 2025, the HIV Prevention Coalition partners are:
· Southwest: Friends for All, Le Bonheur/Methodist Community HIV Network
· West: Children and Family Services
· Middle: Nashville CARES
· Southeast: Cempa Community Care
· Northeast: Choice Health Network
The HIV Prevention Coalition agencies work with local partners in their regions to ensure that HIV screening, prevention supplies, and prevention activities are as accessible as possible.
The HIV Prevention Coalition’s work is supported by a network of funded syringe services programs. Click here for more information about Syringe Services in Tennessee.
Condom Distribution
Condom Distribution in Health Departments
Regional and metro health departments all over Tennessee provide condoms to members of their local communities through the Condom Distribution program. Click here for a list of regional health departments.
Condom Distribution through the HIV Prevention Coalition
HIV Prevention Coalition partners provide condoms through community distribution. Condoms are regularly distributed to local bars, clubs, community organizations, community health centers, barbershops, beauty shops, tattoo parlors, homeless service organizations, and many other locations across each region. For more information, contact the HIV Prevention Coalition partner in your area:
· Southwest: Friends for All, Le Bonheur/Methodist Community HIV Network
· West: Children and Family Services
· Middle: Nashville CARES
· Southeast: Cempa Community Care
· East: Choice Health Network
Condom Distribution through Syringe Services
Condoms are available at all syringe services program locations. Click here to learn more about syringe services and find locations near you.
For more information about condom distribution through health departments, the HIV Prevention Coalition, and syringe services programs, click here.
PrEP Navigation
PrEP is a daily medication that is highly effective at preventing HIV when taken correctly. To support Tennesseans in accessing this HIV prevention method, Get PrEP TN is an online source of local information about what PrEP is and where resources exist to help people access it.
Click here to visit Get PrEP TN.
PrEP Providers Directory in TN
The Tennessee Department of Health works in partnership with the United Way of Greater Nashville to maintain a list of health care providers who prescribe PrEP. This list can be found on Get PrEP TN.
PrEP Navigators in TN
PrEP navigators are health care specialists who can help people interested in PrEP and PEP learn more about the medications, find a medical provider, locate a pharmacy, apply for financial assistance, and incorporate a daily PrEP regimen into their lives. PrEP navigators can work with clients in person or using phone, text or other virtual meeting spaces, regardless of where the client lives in Tennessee.
For more information, contact the HIV Prevention Coalition partner in your area:
· Southwest: Friends for All, Le Bonheur/Methodist Community HIV Network
· West: Children and Family Services
· Middle: Nashville CARES
· Southeast: Cempa Community Care
· East: Choice Health Network
HIV Prevention Services for People Living with HIV
HIV Prevention for People Living with HIV (PLWH) includes services for individuals new to an HIV diagnosis (ARTAS) and social support for PLWH (Healthy Relationships).
Anti-Retroviral Treatment and Access to Services, or ARTAS, helps people who are new to an HIV diagnosis navigate the system of care. This support includes connecting the individual to affordable HIV treatment, supportive services, and social support.
Click here to learn more about ARTAS.
For more information about ARTAS programs in Tennessee, contact the HIV Prevention Initiatives Manager.
Healthy Relationships is a program that welcomes PLWH into small groups of their peers to discuss, troubleshoot, and support one another in practicing disclosing their HIV status to family, friends, and sexual partners in the larger process of building healthier personal relationships.
Click here to learn more about Healthy Relationships.
HIV Prevention Coalition partners in Tennessee running Healthy Relationships:
Nashville CARES (Nashville): Nashville CARES provides comprehensive services for people living with HIV. Click here to learn more.Partner Services for Partners of People Living with HIV
Partner Services for Partners of People Living with HIV
Partner Services includes a wide range of medical, prevention, and psychosocial services for the partners of people who are living with HIV. In Tennessee, Partner Services is conducted by Disease Intervention Specialists (DIS), supervisors, and managers assigned to county and metro health departments.
This team of staff ensures that people who are at elevated risk for HIV through connection with a person living with HIV receive access to:
· confidential counseling and testing
· a trained specialist to support their linkage to HIV treatment
· the eligibility assessment for Ryan White services
· partner referral services, including partner notification and testing
· public health education and patient counseling services
Partner Services are conducted at all regional and metro health departments in Tennessee.
HIV Prevention Services for People at Elevated Risk for HIV
HIV prevention for people at elevated risk for HIV includes programs that provide health education, peer support, and connection to community resources.
The MPowerment Project is an evidence-based model designed to specifically address the needs of young gay, bisexual, and same-gender loving men of color as they navigate social networks. T
he project includes opportunities for young men of color to meet peers in healthy settings, engage in health education, and plan community activism around HIV prevention.
Click here to learn more about MPowerment.
HIV Prevention Coalition partners in Tennessee running MPowerment:
· Nashville CARES (Nashville): Nashville CARES provides comprehensive services for people working to prevent HIV infection for themselves and their loved ones. Click here to learn more.
· Friends for All (Memphis): Friends for All conducts a wide range of HIV prevention activities, including MPowerment. Click here to learn more.
Many Men, Many Voices, or 3MV, is a retreat-style health education and peer support experience for men of color with a focus on HIV prevention and sexual health.
Click here to learn more about 3MV.
For more information about 3MV retreats in Tennessee, contact the HIV Prevention Initiatives Manager.

Trans Sisters Informing Sisters about Topics on AIDS, or TWISTA, is a peer-led, social skills-building project that welcomes groups of transgender women of color to learn about, discuss, and take action on issues related to HIV, sexual health, and empowerment.
For more information about TWISTA in Tennessee, contact the HIV Prevention Initiatives Manager.
Page updated July 2023.