Board of Respiratory Care
Continuing Education
Failure to comply with continuing education requirements may result in disciplinary action against the licensee or registrant. The disciplinary action will be reported on the Department of Health license verification web site.
Every therapist, and assistant licensed or certified by the Board must complete twelve (12) contact hours of continuing education every calendar year effective November 26, 2015. Appropriate educational content may include the clinical practice of respiratory care, education, management, or research relating to the cardio-pulmonary system.
Continuing education provided by the organizations or associations listed below is considered acceptable if the educational content is acceptable:
- American Association for Respiratory Care and any of its chartered affiliates
- American Cancer Association
- American College of Chest Physicians
- American College of Emergency Physicians
- American Heart Association
- American Lung Association
- American Medical Association
- American Nurses Association
- American Society of Cardiovascular Professionals
- American Society of Anesthesiologists
- American Thoracic Society
- Association of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists
- Critical Care Nurse Association
- Tennessee Association for Home Care
- Tennessee Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
- Tennessee Medical Association
- Tennessee Society for Respiratory Care
- All hospitals or institutions belonging to the Tennessee Hospital Association, or which are J.C.A.H.O. accredited.
- American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation
- American Association of Pediatric Physicians
Each individual must retain independent proof of attendance and completion of all continuing education requirements. This documentation must be retained for a period of three (3) years from the end of the calendar year in which the continuing education was acquired. This documentation must be produced for inspection and verification, if requested in writing by the Board during its verification process.
If a person submits documentation for training that is not clearly identifiable as appropriate continuing education, the Board will request a written description of the training and how it applies to the practice of respiratory care. If the Board determines that the training cannot be considered appropriate continuing education, the individual may be granted an extension, not to exceed ninety (90) days to replace the hours not allowed. Those hours will be considered replacement hours and cannot be counted during the next current calendar year.
Continuing education credit will not be allowed for the following:
- Regular work activities, administrative staff meetings, case staffing/reporting, etc.
- Membership in, holding office in, or participation on boards or committees, business meetings of professional organizations, or banquet speeches.
- Training specifically related to policies and procedures of an agency.
An individual whose license has been retired for one (1) year or less will be required to fulfill continuing education requirements to reinstate the license. Those hours may not be counted toward future continuing education requirements.
Any individual requesting reactivation of a license which has been retired for one (1) or more years must submit, along with the reactivation request, verification which indicates the attendance and completion of twelve (12) contact hours of continuing education for every year for which the license has been retired up to a maximum of twenty-four (24) hours. The continuing education hours must have been successfully completed within the year before the date of reinstatement.
Extension of Time to Complete Continuing Education
The Board may grant an extension of time to a licensee to attend and complete the required hours of continuing education because of emergency or hardship. Extensions will be considered only on an individual basis and may be requested by submitting to the Board's administrative office a written request for extension, which documents the nature of the emergency or hardship. Any practitioner making such a request may be required to appear before the Board to explain their request.
Whenever you have a question regarding continuing education, refer to Rule 1330-1-.12, Continuing Education, or call the Board's administrative office and speak to the board administrator.