Board of Occupational Therapy
Featured Links
- NEW Tennessee Occupational Therapy Supervision Template
- Background Checks Required for Those Providing Patient Care
- Volunteer for Mass Emergency Clinics
- Criminal Background Check Required for New Applications

About the Board of Occupational Therapy
Pursuant to Public Chapter 115 of the Public Acts of 2007, The Board of Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy Examiners and its two (2) Committees ( Committee of Occupational Therapy and Committee of Physical Therapy ) has been replaced by the Board of Occupational Therapy and the Board of Physical Therapy.
The Board of Occupational Therapy is responsible for safeguarding the health, safety, and welfare of Tennesseans, by requiring that all who practice occupational therapy within the state be qualified to practice. The Board interprets the laws, rules, and regulations to determine the appropriate standards of practice in an effort to ensure the highest degree of professional conduct. The Board is responsible for the investigation of alleged violations of the Practice Act and rules and is responsible for the discipline of licensees who are found guilty of such violation.
The Board of Occupational Therapy consists of five(5) members to be appointed by the Governor for terms of three (3) years. Three (3) members shall be occupational therapists, and one (1) occupational therapy assistant, who may be from a list of nominees supplied by the Tennessee Occupational Therapy Association. One (1) member shall be a person who is not engaged in the practice of occupational therapy and who is not professionally or commercially associated with the health care industry. Members may be appointed from a list of three nominees submitted to the Governor by the respective organization for each profession.
The Board meets four (4) times per year. A quorum of the Board consists of three (3) members. The meetings are open to the public.
The administrative staff of the Division of Health Related Boards supports the Board by issuing licenses to those who meet the requirements of the law and rules. Occupational therapists may be granted licensure by examination or reciprocity from other states. Renewal notices are mailed from the Board's administrative office forty-five (45) days prior to the expiration of the license to the current address on record. Licensees are responsible for renewing their license on time and keeping the Board apprised of current information. Licenses can be renewed on-line one hundred twenty (120) days prior to expiration at It is a violation of the law and of the board’s rules to practice on an expired license. Licensees are responsible for renewing their license on time and keeping the Board apprised of current information.
Contact the Board of Occupational Therapy
615-741-3807 local
665 Mainstream Drive, 2nd Floor
Nashville, TN 37243