Immigrant and Refugee Outreach

Week One: Celebrating Centro Hispano!
For more than 17 years, Centro Hispano has worked to fulfill the vision that if one person succeeds, we all succeed. They develop effective, relevant and culturally aware programming that educates and lifts up participants. They help Greater Knoxville understand the presence and contributions of Latino families in East Tennessee as well as the challenges they face. By actively investing in Latinos, they seek to contribute to the strength of East Tennessee’s communities. Centro also serves as a welcoming community center—a resource and a gathering place for families of all backgrounds to feel like they are an integral part of life in the Tennessee Valley.

Week Two: Celebrating the American Muslim Advisory Council!
The American Muslim Advisory Council is a 501c3 tax exempt organization. Their mission is to foster mutual trust and respect among all people through civic engagement, community building and media relations in order to protect all Tennesseans from prejudice and targeted violence. They envision a Tennessee where all people, regardless of their faith or spiritual beliefs, are accepted, respected and valued as members of a diverse society.

Week Three: Celebrating the Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition!
The Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC) is a statewide, immigrant and refugee-led collaboration. Their mission is to build power, amplify voices and organize communities to advocate for rights. Their vision is a stronger, more inclusive Tennessee where people of all nationalities, immigration statuses, and racial identities can belong and thrive.

Week Four: Celebrating Latino Memphis!
For over 20 years, Latino Memphis has become the go-to organization for issues impacting the Hispanic community in the MidSouth, raising the voice of Latinos in our region and advocating for a better, more inclusive Memphis. Since their inception at MIFA and their subsequent growth as an independent agency, they have become the largest Latino-serving nonprofit in West Tennessee, serving thousands of clients each year and advancing awareness of the many issues impacting the Latino community. As their programs have grown, so too has their capacity to affect positive change in the lives of Latino Memphians.

Week Five: Celebrating Su Casa!
Su Casa exists to connect and empower both the Latino immigrant and broader Memphis community by creating a safe place to learn together in God's grace.