Wreck Reporting
Welcome to Vehicle Asset Management's (VAM) website for reporting accidents. This procedure applies to all vehicles, owned, or leased, by the State of Tennessee under the authority of Vehicle & Asset Management.
As of July 1, 2023, this form has been permanently disabled and must be completed in Edison at https://www.edison.tn.gov/
You must first sign in and follow:
- NAVBAR>MENU>FSCM>Employee Self-Service>Wreck Reporting
- Complete the form with all pertinent information regarding damages to state vehicles, be detailed and attach any pictures to show damages, if possible.
- Once all information has been added you must hit save. You can click on the VAM Vendor List found at the top of the page for tow truck and body shop information.
In addition to notifying VAM by completing this form, you must report all accidents to CORVEL, the State of Tennessee Accident Call Center within 24 hours by calling 855-253-0629.