Bob Barker Company

Authorized Users

Local Government Users may take advantage of the State's contracted pricing but must have an account established with Bob Barker. If you do not already have a login, initiate a  live chat
with our reps online or call Customer Service to get set up. 

Bob Barker Customer Service:, or 800-334-9880. Please note, not all items available for purchase through the Bob Barker website are covered by State contract and may not reflect negotiated pricing. Contact Bob Barker Customer Service to request a copy of the Pricing Book that shows all items and pricing as covered by Statewide Contracts. 

State Contracted items are presently noted with a strikeout price and "Your Price" noted in red text. 

For more information please review the Contract Usage Instructions linked above. You may also reach out to State Contract Administrator, Kristine Mitchell
Email: Kristine

Contract Information:

SWC 367 - Footwear (Edison Contract ID: 65032) (Catalog information)

SWC 375 - Institutional Clothing (Edison Contract ID: 66674) 

SWC 569 - Commissary Items (Edison Contract ID: 70855) (Catalog information)