• Tennessee Ortho Imagery

    The STS GIS Tennessee Imagery Program offers multiple ortho imagery products to serve the diverse community of users.

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  • Elevation | LiDAR Project

    A program to support geospatial data development in Tennessee.

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  • FEMA Floodplain Map

    STS GIS is the Cooperating Technical Partner with FEMA and the primary data source used to generate the floodplain maps in Tennessee.

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  • The NG 9-1-1 GIS Data Project

    Next Generation 9-1-1 Project

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  • Statewide Parcel Mapping Program

    Statewide Parcel Mapping Program in partnership with the Comptroller of the Treasury, Divsion of Property Assessments Geographic Services group.

    TN Property Viewer

    Tennessee Base Mapping Program

    View profiles of current STS GIS Projects, using geospatial technology to improve state resource management, promote more effective and efficient business decisions, and improve the quality of life for Tennessee citizens.

    Elevation | LiDAR

    The Elevation | LiDAR Project is a coordinated effort between STS GIS the United States Geological Survey (USGS) 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) Program, to support geospatial data development in the State of Tennessee.

    Tennessee Ortho Imagery

    Tennessee has multiple aerial imagery products. STS-GIS offers an array of ortho imagery products to include the latest statewide flights, historical imagery and disaster response imagery. 

    Hydrography Program

    The program is focused on an effort to collect highly accurate statewide 3D hydrography coordinated with the United States Geological Survey(USGS) national 3D Hydrography Program (3DHP). 

    Tennessee has a comprehensive parcel dataset that is maintained by the Comptroller of the Treasury, Division of Property Assessments Geographic Services.  STS-GIS partners with the Comptroller's Office to offer the State's Property Viewer.  Additionally, the parcel data can be downloaded and accessed via the Comptroller's Office.

    FEMA Flood Mapping Program

    STS GIS is the Cooperating Technical Partner with FEMA and the primary data source used to generate the floodplain maps in Tennessee.

    NG 9-1-1

    The NG 9-1-1 Data Product is a comprehensive dataset containing Geographic Information System (GIS) address point and street centerline data layers which provide information beneficial to the public safety agencies of state and local government.