Financial Incentives

The Energy Efficient Schools Council (EESC) with the State of Tennessee expects to provide over $10 million in grants and loans to public schools, K-12, for ongoing energy efficiency projects. The Council continues to strive to meet the goals of the 2008 legislation which provides for grants and loans to be awarded for qualifying capital outlay projects where pre-determined energy savings can be realized.

In December 2013 EESC established a deadline of March 31, 2014 for application for Energy Management Grants previously awarded.  Now in Phase III the council seeks to keep the program, as well as energy efficiency in schools, sustainable through a new loan program. Funds will be allocated based on a matrix designed by the Technical Advisory Committee, which awards points based on energy cost reduction, quick return on investments, and improvements in the quality of the indoor learning environment. The terms of the loan can be flexible and will depend largely on the type of project brought to the Council. A minimum of .75% administrative fee on the declining balance will be placed on all loans.

Districts interested in applying for a loan should prepare a preliminary project proposal for discussion with EESI staff. The proposal should include a narrative of the type of project the district plans to initiate, and should be itemized on a facility-by-facility basis. Details should include names and locations of the facilities, proof of ability to document and predict energy savings, and contact information for the supervisor of the project. Engineering firms or performance contractors that would be involved in pre project planning should be referenced as well. A formal application process will follow preliminary discussions and will be announced.

For consideration of a proposal or questions regarding the EESI loan program please contact Scott Slusher (629)203-4710,