FF171-02 - Hazardous Materials Awareness & Operations


The Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operational course is for emergency response personnel who may be first on the scene of a hazardous materials emergency. Per NFPA 1072 Section 4.1.1 “Awareness level personnel are those persons who, during the course of their normal duties could encounter an emergency involving hazardous materials/weapons of mass destruction and who are expected to recognize the presence of the hazardous materials/WMD, protect themselves, call for trained personnel, and secure the scene. Per NFPA 1072, Operations level responders are those persons who are tasked to respond to hazardous materials/WMD incidents for the purpose of taking action to protect nearby persons, the environment or property from the effects of the release. NFPA 1072 expands the scope of the operations level into core competencies and mission specific competencies. Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations has been completely updated and correlated to meet and exceed the competencies in the newly released 2017 Edition of NFPA 1072: Standard for Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction Emergency Response Personnel Professional Qualifications. A detailed crosswalk has also been developed to help correlate the JPR’s from the 2018 Edition of NFPA 472: Standard of Competence of Responders to Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction Incidents which can be found as an appendix.

Course Code



48 Hours


  • $1,600 flat rate off campus




Must be at least 18 years of age.



Maximum Class Size


Required Student Materials

  • Pen
  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Highlighter
  •  Jones & Bartlett Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations 4th Edition Advantage Access ISBN 978-1284264074
  • NFPA Compliant Personal Protective Equipment



Course Objectives

  • Student will learn how to identify products using the ERG guidebook and other identifiers.
  • Student will learn basic decontamination.
  • Student will learn confinement and control of materials.


Click here to register through the Acadis portal.