FF175 Firefighter Survival Get Out Alive


This course is designed to prepare firefighters for the dangers that are present on the modern day fireground. Students learn and demonstrate proven survival skills that have prevented firefighters in the past from dying when unexpected events occur.

Topics include SCBA emergencies, escapes and confidence, entanglement emergencies, wall breeches, and disorientation emergencies. Additional topics include anchors and knots, rope escape techniques, hose slide, straddle, hang and drop. This course is geared towards keeping the firefighter from becoming trapped in a situation where they themselves would require rescue.

Course Code



16 Hours


  • $51 per student on campus
  • $700 flat rate off campus


  • Basic Firefighting and Firefighter I Live Burn
  • SCBA Using It


Must be 18 years of age.



Maximum Class Size


Required Student Materials

  • Pen
  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Highlighter
  • NFPA Compliant Structural Firefighting Clothing
  • NFPA Compliant SCBA

Course Objectives

  • Student will be able to list common hazard indicators that would alert firefighters to potentially life threatening situations.
  • Student will show proficiency at maintaining team integrity, initiate emergency communication procedures, and maintain orientation.
  • Student will show proficiency at self-rescue techniques, air management procedures, and SCBA emergencies.

Other Notes

This course requires a high degree of physical fitness and the ability to cope with physically and mentally demanding situations.


Click here to register through the Acadis portal.