FF159 Rapid Intervention Team Operations


This 30-hour course is a comprehensive program designed to prepare experienced firefighters for the difficult job of rescuing other firefighters from a structure fire incident.

The course emphasizes the importance of Rapid Intervention Teams (RIT) being composed of veteran, well trained, and physically fit firefighters.

Major course topics include: MAY-DAY procedures; Rapid Intervention Team search techniques; downed firefighter assessment; air changeover procedures; drags and carries; extrication; 2:1 lowering systems; sub-level rescues; ladder rescues; the "Denver" drill; the "Pittsburgh" drill; communications; and accountability.

The first four hours of the class are classroom, with the remaining time consisting of hands-on practical training.

Course Code



30 Hours


  • $133.00 per student on campus
  • $2,000 flat rate off campus


Basic Firefighting, Firefighter I Live Burn, Firefighter Survival Get Out Alive, and SCBA Using It


Must be at least 18 years of age.



Maximum Class Size


Required Student Materials

  • Pen
  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Highlighter
  • NFPA Compliant Structural Firefighting Clothing
  • NFPA Compliant SCBA

Course Objectives

  • Student will be able to locate and evaluate firefighter using standard RIT practices.
  • Student will be able to prepare firefighter and equipment for rescue.
  • Student will be able to rescue and remove downed firefighter with minimal resources.

Other Notes

This course requires a high degree of physical fitness and the ability to cope with physically and mentally demanding situations.


Click here to register through the Acadis portal.