Fall 2018 Commission Meeting
Cordell Hull Building, Senate Hearing Room I
Wednesday, November 7, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. CST
Combined Agenda
Video Recording
Adoption of Agenda
Approval of Minutes, October 15, 2018 Meeting
Approval of Minutes, July 26, 2018 Meeting
Chairman's Report
Executive Director's Report
Institutional Reports
- Tennessee Board of Regents
- University of Tennessee
- Locally Governed Institutions
Agenda Items
I. Postsecondary Education Authorization (Action Items)
A. Institutional Reauthorization
B. Authorization of New Institutions
D. Optional Expedited Authorization
II. Tennessee Reconnect and Fall 2018 Enrollment Briefing
III. 2019-20 Operating State Appropriation Recommendations (Action Item)
IV. 2019-20 Student Fee Recommendations (Action Item)
V. 2019-20 Capital Projects Recommendations (Action Item)