2003 Commission Meeting Archive
Commission Boardroom, Parkway Towers
April 17, 2003 - 9:00 a.m. CDT
- Adoption of Agenda
- Approval of Minutes: January 30, 2003 Minutes
- Chairman's Report
- Executive Director's Report
- Systems' Reports
- University of Tennessee System
- Tennessee Board of Regents
- Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation
1. Academic Affairs
2. New Academic Programs
1. University of Tennessee, Memphis - Health Science Center, Doctor of Physical Therapy
2. University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, Doctor of Physical Therapy
3. Tennessee College of Public Health
3. Postsecondary Education Authorization
1. Institutional Reauthorization (July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004)
2. Authorization of New Institutions
2. Fiscal Affairs
1. Governors Funding Recommendations for FY 2003-2004
2. Proposed Revision of THEC Policy F4.0 - Facilities and Capital Outlay
3. Outcomes and Performance
o Minority Teacher Education Awards
5. Status of THEC Plan of Action
7. Administrative Items
Commission Boardroom, Parkway Towers
July 17, 2003 - 9:00 a.m. CDT
- Adoption of Agenda
- Approval of Minutes: April 17 and June 11, 2003 Meetings
1. Academic Affairs
1. New Academic Programs
1. Nashville State Technical Community College, Technical Certificate in Computer-Aided Drafting
2. Cleveland State Community College, Associate of Applied Science in Public and Government Services
3. Chattanooga State Technical Community College, Associate of Applied Science in Real-time Reporting
4. Tennessee State University, Bachelor of Science in Health Science
5. East Tennessee State University, Doctor of Physical Therapy
6. University of Memphis, Master of Science in Nursing
2. Post Approval Monitoring Reports
3. Status of the Tennessee College of Public Health
4. Status of the Nursing Education Issues
5. Postsecondary Education Authorization
1. Authorization of New Institutions
2. Fiscal Affairs
1. Consideration of FY 2003-2004 Operating Budgets
2. Update of the University of Tennessee at Marting Master Plan
3. Policy Revisions
1. THEC Policy O5.0 - Code of Ethics for Commission Members
2. THEC Policy O5.1 - Conflict of Interest Disclosure Policy for Commission Members
3. THEC Policy O5.2 - Conflict of Interest Disclosure Policy for Executive Staff
4. Adoption of Permanent Rules
o Immunization of Newly Matriculating Students
5. Status of THEC Plan of Action
7. Administrative Items
1. Chairman's Report
2. Executive Directors Report
3. Election of 2003-04 Officers
4. Systems' Reports
1. Tennessee Board of Regents
2. University of Tennessee
3. Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation
4. Resolutions of Appreciation for Joe Lancaster and Betsey Kirk
Commission Boardroom, Parkway Towers
November 20, 2003 - 9:00 a.m. CST
- Adoption of Agenda
- Approval of Minutes: July 17, 2003 Meeting
1. Policy, Planning and Research
1. Fall 2003 Enrollment Report
2. Fiscal Affairs
1. 2004-2005 Appropriations Recommendations: Operating, Capital Outlay and Capital Maintenance
3. Postsecondary Education Authorization
1. Temporary Authorization of New Institutions
2. Approval of New Programs under the Postsecondary Authorization Act
3. Recommendations for Appointment to the Postsecondary Education Authorization Committee
4. Improving Teacher Quality Grant Program Awards, 2003-2004
6. Status of THEC Plan of Action
7. Administrative Items
1. Chairman's Report
2. Executive Director's Report
3. Systems Reports
1. University of Tennessee
2. Tennessee Board of Regents
3. Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation
4. Resolutions of Appreciation for Stephen D. Adams