TDOT Update on Flood-Damaged Bridges
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – After more than a week of clearing debris, making repairs, and surveying damage to all the state’s roads and bridges in the areas impacted by the floods on August 21, TDOT concludes four state-owned bridges in three locations have been damaged beyond repair and will remain closed until new structures can be built.
· Humphreys County SR 230 Bridges over Hurricane Creek & Overflow – will remain closed
· Hickman County SR 230 Bridge over the Piney River – will remain closed
· Humphreys County SR 1 Bridge (Westbound Only) over Trace Creek – will remain closed
In Humphreys County, the State Route 230 bridges over Hurricane Creek and overflow, which counts as two structures, have major bridge scour and roadway erosion. The SR 230 Bridge over the Piney in Hickman County has significant damage to its piers due to debris and scouring. Replacement projects will be let to contract this fall, and the repairs could take up to 12 months.
A fourth bridge, SR 1 over Trace Creek in Humphreys County, needs significant repairs but only to the westbound side, which remains closed. There is scour under the pier resulting in bridge settlement. Design plans are ongoing. All traffic is being diverted to the eastbound side of the twin bridge, which is safe.
In addition to those closed state bridges, seven other locally owned bridges in Humphreys County have been inspected by the department and will remain closed until repair and/or replacement contracts can be put in place.
· MM 5.23 East Blue Creek Road over Blue Creek
· MM 4.26 East Blue Creek Road over Blue Creek
· MM .17 Weed Lane over Blue Creek
· MM 6.56 Bold Springs Road over Hurricane Creek
· MM 5.45 Trace Creek Road over Trace Creek
· MM 1.04 Bateman Branch Road over Bateman Branch
· MM 4.14 Indian Creek Road over Little Hurricane Creek
TDOT inspected 100 bridges to ensure their structural integrity and repaired most of the damages on state highways. We have also dedicated several resources to help clear debris in the hardest-hit areas.