Make Travel Bright Safety Sign Contest

TDOT’s 2024 “Make Travel Bright” Safety Sign Contest is now underway. You’re encouraged to submit engaging safety messages for the Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) you see on the interstate. TDOT’s goal with these messages has always been to raise awareness of highway safety. The contest gives Tennessee motorists an opportunity to be a part of our mission to save lives.
Contest Rules:
Signs can accommodate three lines of text with up to 21 characters (including spaces). The message must relate to one of the below categories.
- Speeding
- Distracted Driving
- Impaired Driving
- Seat Belts
- Aggressive Driving
Hashtags, phone numbers, website addresses, and emojis are not allowed. Lewd or profane messaging will be disqualified.
Type your message below. Be sure to include your name and email and then hit SUBMIT. TDOT will select the finalists and the public will get to vote on the myTDOT Facebook page for the winner beginning on December 16th. The message with the most votes will be put in rotation on the signs and seen all across the state.