Pill Take Back Requests

Prescription drug take-back boxes and events provide a place where unused prescription drugs can be safely disposed. This allows citizens to get rid of unwanted or expired medications, lessening the likelihood they will end up in the wrong hands. The TBI Dangerous Drugs Task Force assists all Law Enforcement across the state in Pill Take Back (PTB) activities by supplying empty barrels, picking up full barrels, and delivering the full barrels to be incinerated.

For a list of available PTB box locations, click here.

If you are sponsoring a PTB event and need empty barrels delivered to your agency or organization, click here:

Empty Drums

If you already sponsored a PTB event and need your full barrels picked up from your agency or organization, click here:

Full Drums

If you would like to request to have a permanent take back box installed at your agency or organization, click here:


Photos of Past Events

PTB (5)
PTB (8)
PTB (21)
PTB (3)
PTB (22)
PTB (7)
PTB (1)
PTB (16)