Erwin Downtown Revitalization and Broadband

Erwin Downtown Revitalization and Broadband

Erwin’s community leaders have successfully worked to revitalize the town’s central business zone and create a welcoming environment for downtown business development and tourism. In 2010, Erwin was selected to participate in the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development (TNECD) Tennessee Downtowns program, positioning the town to receive grant funding from the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) for new sidewalks and streetscape amenities the next year. The Tennessee Downtowns status also created access to resources such as a 2017 Façade Improvement Grant (FIG) and board training through the National Main Street Center. Most recently, Erwin used a technical assistance workshop provided through the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), Smart Growth America, and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop new strategies for broadband usage, helping Erwin to launch a co-working space for entrepreneurs.

Additional Funding Information:
The Façade Improvement Grant (FIG) has been discontinued, but similar projects to this one can be funded through the TNECD Downtown Improvement Grant (DIG) program. Tennessee Main Street communities and communities that have participated in the Tennessee Downtowns program and have an active design committee are eligible for a grant from TNECD for downtown improvements.

Funding Sources

TNECD Tennessee Downtowns Grant $15,000  
TDOT Enhancement/Multimodal Streetscape Grant $1,000,000  
TNECD Facade Improvement Grant $100,000  
TNECD and National MainStreet Center Training $3,100  
Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) Grant $15,000  
ARC Cool & Connected Entrpreneur Development Program
Local Funding $1,118,100