Board of Chiropractic Examiners


The Board accepts for license renewal, continuing education courses approved by the International Chiropractic Association, American Chiropractic Association and the Tennessee Chiropractic Association, and courses approved by the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards - PACE (Providers of Approved Continuing Education) programs that are consistent with RULE 0260-02-.12. However, no courses approved by FCLB PACE on the topics of philosophy or practice-building are approved.

Continuing Education Policy 02-28-2017

PACE Recognized Providers

TCA course and approved seminars listings for 2025

Tennessee Chiropractic Association Course and Approved Seminars listings as of August 2024

Failure to comply with continuing education requirements may result in disciplinary action against the licensee or registrant. The disciplinary action will be reported on the Department of Health license verification web site.--

Featured Items


2019 Chiropractic CE Audit List-10.15.20 

2018 Chiropractic CE Audit List - 10.18.19

2017 Chiropractic CE Audit List - 4.15.18

2016 Chiropractic CE Audit Final - 11.7.17

2017 Chiropractic CE Audit List - As of 4.7.17

2016 Chiropractic CE Audit List Final - Last updated 4.7.17

2015 Chiropractic CE Audit List - Final as of 2/16/2016 (Last updated 7/11/16)

ATTENTION: As a reminder, the Board of Chiropractic Examiners has amended its rules to have licensees submit proof of compliance with continuing education requirements to your CE Broker account by Decemebr 31st of each calendar year.   The Board requires chiropractic physicians to complete twenty-fours (24) hours annually, and if the licensee practices acupuncture, six (6) of these twenty-four (24) hours must pertain to acupuncture practice.  Chiropractic x-ray operators and therapy assistants must complete six (6) hours annually. 


The Tennessee Board of Chiropractic Examiners Partners with CE Broker

CE Broker Information 

CE Broker is now the official CE tracking system of the Tennessee Board of Chiropractic Examiners. Your board has provided you with a free Basic Account, so you have our most helpful CE tracking tools right at your fingertips.

Free Access

With the free Basic account, you will have access to your Course History. This lists all of the courses you have completed so far so you can easily find and rep ort any CE that might be missing. You will never have to pay to access all the necessary tools to renew your license.

Comprehensive Course Search

One of the best tools we offer licensees is our Course Search. You can find every course you need to complete your license renewal. After you are finished with each course, many educational providers will report to CE Broker for you.

Helpful Support Center

Our support center is staffed with experts who have been trained on the rules and regulations of the Tennessee Board of Chiropractic Examiners. You can reach them by phone, live chat, or email 8AM-8PM ET Monday through Friday.

Upgraded Account Options

You can also subscribe to Professional or Concierge Accounts, which offer above-and-beyond CE tracking tools to further simplify your renewal process. With our Professional account you can access a personal CE Transcript which outlines exactly what requirements you have left to complete. The Concierge account includes your own CE Broker account manager who can guide you through the CE process, step by step.

How to activate your free CE Broker account

1.       Visit

2.        Select the Sign Up button under the Basic Account option.

3.       Enter your license number and get started!

CE Broker is now the official CE tracking system of the Tennessee Board of Chiropractic

Examiners. Your board has provided you with a free Basic Account, so you have our most helpful

CE tracking tools right at your fingertips.


CE Broker is now the official CE tracking system of the Tennessee Board of Chiropractic

Examiners. Your board has provided you with a free Basic Account, so you have our most helpful

CE tracking tools right at your fingertips.


Activating your free Basic Account provided to you by your board is a simple 3-step process.

1 | Go to

2 | Choose the account option that works best for you. For your free account, choose Basic Account.

3 | Enter your license number and answer a few simple questions, as prompted.

Once you have completed these steps you can start tracking and reporting your continuing education.


You can check your compliance status in your CE Broker account at any time. Simply log into your

CE Broker account and you will be directed to your user dashboard.

At the top of your user dashboard you will see the words “Complete” or “Incomplete” indicating whether

or not you have completed and reported all of your renewal requirements for the current renewal cycle.


You can easily report CE from your CE Broker account by following these steps:

1 | Log into your CE Broker account.

2 | On your dashboard, click Report Hours.

3 | Choose the requirement you would like to report and click Begin next to it.

4 | Fill out some simple information, including number of hours completed.

5 | Attach your certificate of completion.

PRO TIP: You can also report your CE on the go using the CE Broker mobile apps, available for iPhone and Android.