Brain Links
Brain Injury State Partnership Grant
In June 2018, the Department of Health Traumatic Brain Injury Program was awarded a three-year Traumatic Brain Injury State Partnership grant from the Administration of Community Living to create and strengthen a system of services and supports that maximizes the independence, well-being and health of people with TBI across the lifespan. The state TBI Program proposed to build on the foundation of services and supports developed through a prior Health Resources and Services Administration grant, Project BRAIN. The grant had the overall goal of improving educational outcomes for children with brain injuries in Tennessee by providing education and training for educators, families and health care professionals who support students with TBI. In addition to enhancing the existing system of services and supports, the objectives of Brain Links will also address person-centered planning and development of a trained TBI workplace. The Brain Links staff is a statewide team of brain injury specialists that can equip professionals with current, research-based trainings and tools to enhance their ability to serve people with TBI. Grant partnerships include the Tennessee Disability Coalition, Tennessee Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Tennessee Department of Education.
- For a summary of the Brain Links grant please visit, Brain Links Summary
- For a Brain Link flyer, go to Brain Links Flyer
- For more information on Brain Links please visit,
- To learn more about brain injury education for professionals service people with brain injury of all ages go to, Tennessee Community Snapshot.