Energy Efficient Schools Initiative

 Loan Application and Supporting Document Deadlines (2025)

EESI must receive the completed application and final supporting engineering and cash flow documents for technical assistance committee review no later than:

Application Deadline                TAC Meeting                                   EESC Meeting 
COB January 30th                          February 20th                                          March 6th
COB May 1st                                   May 22nd                                           June 5th
COB July 31st                                  August 21st                                       September 4th
COB October 30th                        November 20th                                December 4th


Technical Advisory Committee Meetings (2025)

Date                                                 Time                                                  Location 
February 20th                                 10:00 am to 2:00 pm CT               TVA Nashville Office
May 22nd                                         10:00 am to 2:00 pm CT               TVA Nashville Office
August 21st                                     10:00 am to 2:00 pm CT               TVA Nashville Office
November 20th                             10:00 am to 2:00 pm CT               TVA Nashville Office


Energy Efficient Schools Council Meetings (2025)

Date                                                 Time                                                  Location 
March 6th                                        1:00 pm to 2:00 pm CT                 Nashville, TN - TN Tower_Confrence Room G
June 5th                                            1:00 pm to 2:00 pm CT                 Nashville, TN - TN Tower_Confrence Room
September 4th                               1:00 pm to 2:00 pm CT                 Nashville, TN - TN Tower_Confrence Room
December 4th                                1:00 pm to 2:00 pm CT                 Nashville, TN - TN Tower_Confrence Room  

    ASHRAE Region VII Technology Award Presented to Lenoir City Schools

    Lenoir City Schools energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) was awarded the Regional Technology

    Award at the ASHRAE Region VII Chapters Regional Conference on July 30th in Knoxville, TN. The ASHRAE

    Technology Awards are the HVAC&R industry’s most prestigious honor for energy efficient use in

    buildings and environmental system performance. The Technology Awards recognize outstanding design

    innovation and successful implementation. Evaluation criteria includes Energy Efficiency, Indoor Air

    Quality, Innovation, Operation and Maintenance, Cost Effectiveness and Environmental impact.


    According to Jeanne Barker, Ed. D, Director of Lenoir City Schools. “ The Tennessee Energy Efficiency

    Schools Initiative (EESI) has worked with me in Lenoir City Schools over the past 4 years to create a great

    environment for learning in our classrooms. Our energy efficiency project has exceeded all projected

    outcomes each year since our measurement began. EESI staff showed me how to improve our energy

    efficiency and oversaw the project with our vendor which gave me confidence that the project would be

    effective. I am proud of the work we have done with this project and to know that we are making a

    difference in the lives of our Lenoir City Schools family.”

The approximately $5 million project was funded 100% by a 15-year, low interest loan from EESI and was implemented by Trane Energy Services. The energy savings were guaranteed by Trane and are more than sufficient to repay the loan to EESI. Project costs     and savings were reviewed in detail and approved by EESI’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). Savings were further enhanced by approximately $85,000 in energy efficiency rebates from TVA.


2020 Annual Report           


            “In 2009, while School Superintendent of Putnam County Schools, we started an energy savings competition between schools, installed high-efficient lighting, and encouraged students to             monitor light switches and plug loads resulting in utility savings over             $1,000,000. EESI provided the financial mechanism that complimented our efforts to reduce utility cost,             enabling us to allocate more money into our classroom learning environment.

- Dr. Kathleen Airhart,
Deputy Commissioner, Education


“ …EESI grants and loans were an awesome catalyst and springboard to help get more people on the energy conservation train. EESI funded the installation of a Building Logix system to provide real time meter data on all Murfreesboro City Schools. The system has given us the ability to rapidly discover and troubleshoot problems…and we can do an even better job. Thanks for your continued support and interest in Murfreesboro City Schools.”

- Gary Anderson
Murfreesboro City Schools