TDOT to Study Construction Impacts of I-55 at Crump Boulevard Project
MEMPHIS, TN – The Tennessee Department of Transportation announced today it will initiate more detailed studies of the construction impacts relating to the planned reconstruction of the Interstate 55 interchange at E.H. Crump Boulevard in Memphis. The department will perform these studies through what is called a Limited Scope Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (LSSEIS).
The goal of the supplemental study (LSSEIS) is to determine the possible regional economic and community impacts relating to the project. The new studies will more thoroughly examine the possible impacts of building the project over a three-year period with an approximate nine-month full closure of the Interstate 55 Memphis-Arkansas Bridge verses building the project over a six-year period with partial lane closures.
The decision to perform additional analysis is based on input from the public and stakeholders during public meetings held earlier this year.
“Over the past several weeks, we have heard from residents, business owners, elected officials and other stakeholders in Memphis and in Arkansas, and we understand there is a significant level of concern over a full closure of the Memphis-Arkansas Bridge,” TDOT Commissioner John Schroer said. “We want to take the opportunity to address those concerns before moving forward with construction.”
TDOT has worked closely with the Tennessee Division of the Federal Highway Administration, and has received the FHWA’s approval to perform the additional studies. As part of this effort, more public and stakeholder meetings will be scheduled in the months to come.
TDOT estimates the new studies will take approximately 12 months to complete. The I-55/Crump Boulevard interchange modification project will not be let to contract this winter as previously planned. A new project schedule will be determined once the current review process is finished.