BioFire FilmArray, GI Panel

TEST NAME BioFire, GI Panel 
DISEASE/DISORDER Gastrointestinal illness
ALTERNATE NAME(S) Enteric pathogen panel, GI panel 
METHODOLOGY Qualitative multiplex real-time PCR 
  • Orderable test for TN state health departments and CEDEP only.
  • Contact CEDEP if a foodborne outbreak is suspected.
  • Stool in Cary-Blair transport medium must arrive at the lab within 96 hours (4 days) of collection.
TDH DLS Requisition:  PH-4182 Clinical Submission Requisition or electronic order Enteric Pathogen Panel

Specimen Requirements

Patient Preparation
  • Medications: Do not use barium or bismuth before collection of specimen.
Specimen Collection
  • Collect:  Fresh stool in Cary-Blair Transport Medium
  • Prepare:  Collect fresh stool and place in Cary-Blair transport medium within 2 hours of collection.  Add stool until level indicated on transport media container.  Do not over fill.
Specimen Labeling
  • Specimen must be labeled with at least two unique patient identifiers and match accompanying PH-4182 Clinical Submission Form or electronic order. 
Specimen Processing
  • None
Specimen Storage and Preservation
  • Stool specimens should be stored at 2-30°C and must arrive at the laboratory within 96 hours (4 days) of specimen collection.
Specimen Transportation
  • Ship specimens in appropriate transport media at  2-30°C. 
  • All infectious substance shipments must conform to U.S. Department of Transportation(DOT) Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR 49 C.F.R. Parts 171-180).
Specimen Acceptability and Rejection
  • Specimens that arrive more than 96 hours (4 days) from the date of  collection will not be tested.
Testing Location
  • Nashville

This Page Last Updated: April 11, 2024 at 12:53 PM