Public Input

The Tennessee Department of Health (TDH) is responsible for on-going active state supervision of mergers granted under a Certificate of Public Advantage (COPA), according to Permanent Rules 1200-38-01-.01 et seq. , effective January 4, 2016, implement TCA Sections 68-11-1301 – 68-11-1309, which govern the COPA process.
How to Provide Feedback to the Tennessee Department of Health
The public is encouraged to provide feedback on the progress and impact of the Ballad Health merger on the region.
Leave a comment here:
By mail: TN Department of Health – COPA
710 James Robertson Parkway, 5th Floor
Nashville, TN 37243.
In person: at Public Hearings (to be announced at least three weeks in advance)
Please be aware that any comments or information you submit or share with the Department will be considered a public record.
- Letters from individuals will not be posted to the website but may be considered public record. This might mean that the Department will give copies of these comments to news agencies upon request.
- Upon a request for information, it will be the Department's policy to share the name of the individual submitting a comment and to redact other personally identifying information, including contact information, before releasing comments from individuals.