Social Media Toolkit
Suicide Prevention Partner Toolkit
Suicide is a leading cause of death across the United States and continues to be a growing public health problem in Tennessee. During the annual observances of Suicide Prevention Month in September, along with National Suicide Prevention Week (September 10th-16th) and World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10th), we urge organizations and community members to join with the Tennessee Department of Health Suicide Prevention Program to raise awareness and increase prevention efforts.
This Suicide Prevention Social Media Toolkit includes sample social media graphics and messages to help spread the message that suicide is preventable, and we all play an important role in prevention efforts. Please download and share these messages and help us reduce the risk for suicide in communities across Tennessee.
Download Sample Social Media Images and Messages
Think someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide? Ask if you can help. Your question might be just what they need to start their recovery journey. Get help at #preventsuicidetn
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Suicide can be prevented. Here are five quick steps you can take today. #stopsuicide #suicidewarningsigns #preventsuicidetn #reducelethalmeans #socialconnection #getinvolved #seekhelp
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You don’t have to act alone to save a life. View and download our statewide mental health & suicide prevention resource guide for support at #preventsuicidetn
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If you see warning signs that someone is struggling with a mental health crisis and may harm themselves, step up and speak up. Learn more about how to provide support to someone in a mental health crisis at . #preventsuicidetn #988
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