Forms and Downloads
Board for Licensing ContractorsIn order to obtain a Contractor's license (required for projects $25,000 or more), the following is the "Application" and "Exam" information to download and print or you may call our office at 1-800-544-7693 and we will be happy to mail you an application package:
- Online Application Forms Resource (For use when filing online application only)
- New Contractor's License
- Additional or Second Contractor's License
- Reinstatement of Expired Contractor's License (Expired 12 months or more)
- Partnership Dissolved
- Exam Resources (PSI Services, LLC)
- Exam Information - Candidate Information Bulletin [pdf]
- Online Exam Registration with PSI
- Bookstores (Code Books and Reference Manuals for Exams)
- NASCLA Online Bookstore (Business & Law Reference Manual - Tennessee Edition)
- NASCLA Order Form (Business and Law Reference Manual)
- PSI Online Bookstore (Reference Manuals and Code Books)
- NASCLA Online Bookstore (Business & Law Reference Manual - Tennessee Edition)
The above items are needed to obtain a contractor's license. The forms listed below provide additional information to specific inquires. Many of these forms are included as part of the "Contractor's License Application" instructions section.
Supplemental Forms & Information
- Contractor License Classifications - Outline
- Corporation/LLC/LLP (Registration with the Secretary of State)
- Exam Resources and Information for Contractors
- Financial Statement Resources
- CPA (Certified Public Accountant) and Licensed Public Accountant - Information
- Guaranty Agreement and Bond Forms - Policy
- Line of Credit Form (To supplement Working Capital, only) [pdf]
- License Application (See financial statement instructions) [pdf]
- Guaranty Agreement (Format and Instructions)
- Hardship Request Form (If license is needed prior to next meeting, to prevent hardship to the owner of the project, and for the best interest of public)
- Insurance Requirements for Licensing (See Contractor and Home Improvement Forms)
- Insurance - General Info for Licensing (General Liability and Workers' Comp - March, 2011)
- Workers' Compensation Law - Amendments (Public Chapter 422) Eff. October 1, 2011
- Workers' Compensation Law (Public Chapter 1149) Eff. March 1, 2011
- Workers' Compensation Insurance (see "Insurance")
- Cover Sheet (Contractors Board)
- Registration for Exemption - Construction Services Provider (Secretary of State)
- Tennessee International Chamber of Commerce
- Power of Attorney (to designate QA for exam)
- Residential Restricted License Information (BC-A/r) (see also information in Section "4" below)
- Schools (Exam Prep/Course Providers)
- Workers' Compensation Insurance (see "Insurance")
Additional Licensing Resources
- Corporate Registration (Corporations, LLC's and Partnerships)
- Duplicate License Certificate - Request Form
- FEIN / EIN - Federal Employer Identification Number
- Financial Resources
- Local Government Permits and Inspections
Types of Contractors (Prime, Subcontractors and Construction Managers)
See the "Contractor Classification Outline" to review all of the various types of contractors regulated. See also the "Contractor" section of the website.
NOTE: If you currently are licensed with a Tennessee Contractor's License and wish to make changes to your existing license, see the "Revision" information in "Section 3".
For more information relative to renewals, you may contact our office by email at: -or- Fax: (615) 532-2868 -or- Call our office at (615) 741-8307.
- Online Renewal
To renew online, you must first set up an account and will need to have a “Indv/Org #” located on your notice of renewal. If you cannot locate this number, you may contact the Contractors Board or the Customer Service Center (be sure to include your license number). If you have more than one (1) license with the Department of Commerce and Insurance, you may add these to your account. If you need more instructions or a balance sheet, it is available in the paper renewal form at:
Online Renewal Process- Go to:
- Register for an account and set password
- You will be asked for your
Indv/Org #, License ID#, Email, and Zip Code
- You will be asked for your
- Financial statement;
- Certificate of Insurance for General Liability;
- Workers’ Compensation Information (Certificate of Insurance, or Construction Service Provider exemption, unless claiming the Handyman exemption); and
- Corporations and LLC must provide proof of active status with the Secretary of State which is available at:
Click here to view a video demonstration on how to renew a license online (after your account has been created). - Paper Renewal
- Notice of Renewal Form - Complete (includes financial statement form and detailed instructions, etc.)
- Retirement
- CEU - Continuing Education
- Corporate / LLC - Check Status with Secretary of State
- Duplicate License Certificate - Request Form
- FAQ's - Frequently Asked Questions
- Financial Resources
- Inactive License Request (See "Retirement")
- Insurance Requirements for Licensing (See Contractor and Home Improvement Forms)
- Insurance - General Info for Licensing (General Liability and Workers' Comp - March, 2011)
- Workers' Compensation Law - Amendments (Public Chapter 422) Eff. October 1, 2011
- Workers' Compensation Law (Public Chapter 1149) Eff. March 1, 2011
- Insurance Cover Sheet (Use if sending COI separate without renewal)
- Registration for WC Exemption - Construction Services Provider (Secretary of State)
- Workers' Compensation - Verify Coverage for Tennessee
- License Search (check status of license)
WARNING: A contractor does not have a grace period to continue to contract once the license expires. The law requires renewals to be submitted to the Board 30 days prior to the expiration date in order to prevent working on an expired license, which is considered a violation of law. Renewals submitted without all the required information to renew, cannot be issued and an extension to contract on an expired license cannot be granted. In addition, a license with a "Retired" status is not legal to operate and the same as "unlicensed".
Renewal Due Date: Contractor licenses are renewed biennially and issued for two (2) years. The expiration date is on the last date of the month, in which the license was originally issued. You may check your expiration date online at: License Search and Verification. Renewals should be submitted to the Board's office 30 days prior to the expiration date. Please allow 5 to 7 business days for mail delivery. A license cannot be renewed if has been expired for 12 months; must apply for a reinstatement utilizing the initial contractor's license application.
Renewal Process: Board office conducts an audit, which includes: 1) checking the financial statement to ensure the working capital and net worth supports the current monetary limit; 2) checking for proof of insurance and making sure coverage includes Tennessee; 3) Corporate status is confirmed; and 4) check to see that the "Contractor's Affidavit" was completed, signed and notarized. If submitting online, attesting does not require a notary. Any renewal lacking information will be sent a letter notifying the contractor to respond within 30 days. For those not responding within 12 months of the expiration date, the renewal form is placed in archives for storage. The Board office cannot fees in their office and must be provided to the Cashier. Send all mail (including express and over-night) to: Department of Commerce and Insurance; 4th Floor Davy Crockett Tower, 500 James Robertson Parkway, Nashville, TN 37243-1150.
Pending Renewals: Renewals received which lack the required financial supporting documentation, our staff will notify the contractor after the audit with options. It is your responsibility to follow-up to ensure the renewal has been issued. For more clarification to these options or access to the forms needed to complete the renewal, go to: "Renewal-Financial Options". In order for Contractors to retain renewal rights, they must respond in writing with the required information within 12 months of expiration date or place license in "Retirement". Always allow 30 days for processing!
Save Time / Apply Online!
- Online Transfer-Change Mode of Operation Resource Packet [pdf]
- Online Revision
Currently, only the “Increase Monetary Limit” and “Transfer-Change Mode of Operation” applications are available online. In order to apply online, you must first set up an account at You will need to have a “Indv/Org#” to create your account. To obtain your “Indv/Org#”, you may contact Customer Service or 615-532-3985 (be sure to include your license number).
Click here to view a video demonstration on how to create an account.
LICENSE REVISION REQUESTS (Most Require Board Review - Deadline date to provide to the Board office is the last day of the month prior to the next Board meeting)
- Add Classification Request Form (Add classifications onto existing license)
- Exam Resources (PSI Services, LLC)
- Bookstores (Code Books and Reference Manuals for Exams)
- PSI Online Bookstore (Reference Manuals and Code Books)
- Types of Exams
- Reciprocity
- Mode of Operation Change - Transfer
- Name Change Application (Change name on license)
- Qualifying Agent (QA) Add / Change Request (Add or remove a Qualifying Agent)
- Address Change Request
- Add QA - Qualifying Agent Change Form
- Bond - Indemnity Form (See "Financial Resources")
- Bidding Information
- Contractor Classification Outline
- Duplicate License Certificate - Request Form
- Education - Continuing Education is NOT required
- Emergency License Request (See "Hardship")
- Exam Resources (See "Add Classification" resource above)
- Financial Resources
- Guaranty Agreement (See "Financial Resources")
- Hardship Request Form (License needed prior to next meeting)
- Increase Monetary Limit (Raise monetary limit on license)
- Insurance Requirements (See information provided in Section 1 and 2)
- License Classification Outlines [pdf]
- License Verification Form (Reciprocation - Trade Exam Waiver)
- License Search
- Line of Credit Form (may use to supplement working capital)
- Masonry (LMC) License Add Classification (see "Add Classification" above)
- Medical Gas (Upon certification, add class to license with revision request form)
- Merger (See Section 1 - "Contractor - New License Application")
- Mode of Operation Change
- Corporate / LLC - Business Filing and Registration
- See also "Financial Resources"
- Name Change Request Form
- Officer Changes
- Ownership Change (See Section 1 - "Contractor - New License Application")
- Qualifying Agent (QA) Additions and Changes
- QA - Add or Replace
- QA - Leaving Notification (The Board must be notified within 10 days)
- See also "Exam Resources"
- Reciprocation - Trade Exam Waiver Agreement
- Renewal (See Section 2 - Renewal Forms)
- Reorganization/Merger/Change of Ownership (See Section 1 - Contractor - Change of Ownership Application)
- Retirement Application (See Renewal - Section 2)
- Reinstatement from Retirement (See Renewal - Section 2)
- Relinquishment Form
- Verification of License - Reciprocation Information
- Workers' Compensation Insurance (see "Insurance")
Deadline Date for License Revision Requests:
Last day of the month prior to the next Board meeting (requests requiring Board approval). See "Public Meetings Calendar" for dates.
Board Approval required for the following revisions: Adding a Classification; Increase Monetary Limit; Name Change; and Mode of Operation Change (transfers). An interview is not required, unless, there are complaints or felony convictions.
These four (4) types of license revision requests must be approved by the Board at their regularly scheduled meetings. Staff must receive in the Board office prior to the deadline date (last day of the month prior to the Board meeting) in order to have in time to process (review, audit, copy for members, add to meeting books, etc.). Please allow 5 to 7 days for mail delivery when submitting prior to the deadline date. Those needing a license revised prior to the Board's next meeting may qualify as a "Hardship" (request for early/emergency review) if the owner of the project needs and supplies the request.
A contractor may obtain a limited residential restricted (BC-A/r) contractor's license, up to $125,000 without passing license exams, by taking a course approved by the Board with one of the following state community colleges listed below. All other licensing requirements, with the exception of the exams, must be met, which includes a reviewed financial statement prepared by a CPA; proof of insurance; list of experience; and a reference from a past client, employer or codes official. In addition, an interview with the Board is required. This restricted license does NOT allow exceeding the monetary limit; there is not a 10% tolerance; cannot joint venture with other contractors to combine monetary limits; and cannot split contracts into phases to circumvent the law. The total cost of the project includes land, materials, labor, as well as profit. Therefore, a limited licensee cannot perform projects larger than the monetary limit placed on their license. Upon receipt of the completed application, the applicant will be scheduled for an interview with the Board at their next regularly scheduled Board meeting (see Public Meetings Calendar).
Rule increased from *$70,000 to $125,000, effective 2/20/2014 to allow contractors to apply for a license up to this amount. BC-A/r contractors may apply for an increase to their license limit by completing the Increase Request revision form and supplying the required reviewed financial statement, prepared by a CPA, that supports the amount requested and list of experience (all instructions are included in the revision form). Upon receipt of the increase request, it will be presented to the next regularly scheduled Board meeting; no interview is required for revision requests. To obtain an increase of more than $125,000, this would require passing the exams. Do NOT exceed the monetary limit on license prior to obtaining approval and a revised license by the Board.
- BC-A/r - Restricted License Information
- Application for Contractor's License (same as above in section "1")
- Revision
- BC-A/r - Restriction Removal/Increase Request
- Increase Request Form (up to $125,000 without taking an exam)
BC-A/r Class Providers
Nashville State Community College
Contact: (615) 353-3333
Chattanooga State Community College
Contact: (423) 697-3100
Pellissippi State Community College
Contact: (865) 694-6400
Memphis State Community College/@Homeprep
Contact: 800-952-0910
McMinnville TCAT (Tennessee College of Applied Technology
Contact: 931-473-5587
Limited Licensed Electrician (LLE) Projects less than $25,000
- LLE Application (Limited Licensed Electrician) & Reinstatement of Expired LLE (Expired 90 days or more)
- LLE Renewal Form [pdf] or Online Renewals
- Electrical Installation Law (Division of Fire Prevention, TCA 68-102)
- Electrical Installation Rules (Division of Fire Prevention)
- Electrical - LLE Licensing Rules (Contractors Board)
- LLE Exam Information (CIB)
Limited License Plumber (LLP) Projects less than $25,000
- LLP Application
- LLP Renewal Form or Online Renewal
- Exam Information with PSI - CIB
- LLP Licensing Program
- Law - LLP Jan. 2006 [pdf]
- Law - LLP Amended Law, May, 2006
- Law - LLP Amended Law, July 1, 2007
- LexisNexis Law Website (Title 62; Chapter 6; and Part 4)
Home Improvement License Projects $3,000 to $24,999
- Home Improvement License Application (Initial/New, Reinstatement or Additional License)
- Home Improvement License Renewal
- Change in Name, Ownership, Mode of Operation, Officers
- Counties may adopt the Home Improvement License Requirement!
- Home Improvement Law - 2009 [pdf]
- Law Change - July 1, 2007 (Merged with Contractors Board)
- Lead Abatement Resource
- Rulemaking (9/24/08)
- Surety Bond [pdf]
- Out of State - Verify Coverage for Tennessee!
Medical Gas
- Medical Gas Information & Approved Providers List
- Rules (Board for Licensing Contractors; see section 0680-1-.16)
- Medical Gas Law (Department of Health; TCA Chapter 68, Part 11, Section 253)
- P.I.P.E - Medical Gas Certification Resource
- NITC (AMGI) Medical Gas Certification Resource
License Resources
- Address Change Request Form
- Business Tax License - Local Government Contacts
- Duplicate License Certificate - Request Form
- Insurance - General Information
- Cover Sheet (When sending "Certificate of Insurance" separate from application)
- Workers' Compensation Insurance
- Exam Bookstore - Online PSI (Reference books for exams)
- Online Exam Registration-PSI
- OneStop Business License Resource
- Complaint Filing
- Request for Public Record Files
- Requests for public records from the Board's office may include: 1) License files; 2) Complaint files (does not include Legal case complaint files); 3) Documents from License files, such as: Certificate of Insurance (Contractors and Home Improvement); Surety Bond or IRLOC (Home Improvement); License Application, Renewal Forms, Revision Requests (Contractors and Home Improvement); etc.,
- Confidential Records - Financial statements and indemnities are not considered public records. .
- Documents with social security numbers are redacted
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