2021 Opinions
- Opinion No. 21-01: Disbursement of Real Estate Commissions
- Opinion No. 21-02: Electronic Traffic Citation Fees
- Opinion No. 21-03: TRICOR Contracts with Counties and Cities for Work Training Programs
- Opinion No. 21-04: “Full-time purchasing agent” under Tenn. Code Ann. § 12-3-1212
- Opinion No. 21-05: Withdrawn
- Opinion No. 21-06: Territorial Limits on the Provision of Broadband and Other Utility Services by an Energy Authority
- Opinion No. 21-07: Tennessee Heritage Protection Act – Petition for Waiver Filed by State Capitol Commission
- Opinion No. 21-08: Substitution of Alternate Jurors in Non-Bifurcated Criminal Trials
- Opinion No. 21-09: Law Enforcement Certification that a Weapon Is Inoperable or Unsafe
- Opinion No. 21-10: Duty of Court Clerks to Report Judicial Waiver of Litigation Taxes to the Department of Revenue
- Opinion No. 21-11: Validity of Minimum Standards that Prohibit the Sale of Fuel by Tenants at Federally Obligated Airports
- Opinion No. 21-12: Authority of Retail Food Store Wine Licensee to Hold Delivery Service License
- Opinion No. 21-13: Governmental Employment Policies Prohibiting the Possession, Carrying, Storage, and Transportation of Handguns
- Opinion No. 21-14: Residency Requirements for Members of County Boards of Education and Requirement for Filling a Vacancy on a County Board of Education
- Opinion No. 21-15: Authority Issues Involving County Health Departments
- Opinion No. 21-16: COVID-19 Vaccination as Condition of Employment Imposed by Private Employers
- Opinion No. 21-17: One Chancellor to Serve Both the Fourth and Fifth Judicial Districts Pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. § 16-2-506(4)(A)
- Opinion No. 21-18: Territorial Limits on the Provision of Natural Gas and Propane by an Energy Authority
- Opinion No. 21-19: Disciplinary Proceedings Against Physicians Who Prescribe Medications “Off-Label” for COVID-19