Rural Workforce Initiatives

Rural communities in Tennessee often struggle to access quality healthcare due to factors like limited facilities, long travel distances, workforce shortages, and high costs. The Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development (TDLWD) is leading efforts to address workforce shortages across various industries, with healthcare as a priority.

The Program's Purpose

The Rural Healthcare Initiatives grant program aims to leverage existing healthcare training structures and expand apprenticeship and Workforce Development Initiatives to strengthen the pipeline of healthcare professionals in rural communities.

Financial support will be provided to sponsoring entities to offer training, certification, and apprenticeships, while also addressing ancillary costs like transportation, childcare, and examination fees that create barriers for participants. The TDLWD, Rural Workforce Initiatives, is supporting local efforts to increase training and employment through the Rural Healthcare Initiatives grant.

Rural Healthcare Workforce Development Initiatives Grantee Awards


Have Questions? Let Us Answer Them

Q&A Form

Prospective applicants can submit questions on this form. The form will be live and able to receive questions October 28-November 8, 2024. TDLWD will post answers at minimum once per week during the Q&A period. You can find the answers here.

Information Session

TDLWD also will host a virtual information session to discuss FOA and the application process with prospective applicants. The session is November 1, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. CST. Prospective applicants may use this time to ask clarifying questions and seek more information about TDLWD's expectations for applications or the grant in general. 

  • Click here for a PDF of the Information Session presentation.