Search State's Checkbook
Searchable Checkbook
In an ongoing effort to be more accountable and transparent to Tennessee taxpayers, this searchable checkbook website provides expenditure details about how Tennessee State Government dollars are spent. The checkbook includes data collected since August 2011, when the State´s new centralized accounting system began.
Please note the data presented here is unaudited and should be used for information purposes only.
Available Information
All state expenditures generated through the state´s centralized accounting system are included in this searchable checkbook. They are presented in two ways, either at the detail level (Annual Payments by Agency) or summary level (Protected Annual Payments Summarized by Program). This includes state payments to cities, counties, university systems, vendors, clients and state employees. Certain expenditure details have been summarized instead of itemized due to protections provided by federal law, Tennessee law, or privacy provisions. Those exclusions are not posted online as part of the vendor payment reports. The summarized payments have been included by type of service paid and are located at Protected Annual Payments Summarized by Program.
Searchable Checkbook Tool Tutorial
The updated Searchable Checkbook maintains all the same features and components as the original tool. In an effort to increase the user-friendliness of the tool, please use this tutorial as a guide for understanding its functions.