Program Nomination

General Information Regarding ACM Program Nomination

If you would like to enroll in a program not currently included in the ACM inventory, you can nominate it for inclusion in the Academic Common Market. This process takes 4-8 weeks to complete and involves a curricular review of the nominated program by faculty and administrators at Tennessee's public universities.  To be approved for ACM inclusion, the program must meet a curricular threshold of being at least 51% different than existing programs in the state. Please refer to the course catalogs at the respective institutions for this assessment. A program will not gain admittance if there is a current program offered at any Tennessee public university. Further, if a nominated program is denied inclusion, the denial will remain valid for five years, at which time the program will be eligible for review again.

Please Note: the modality of delivery, co-curricular opportunities (e.g., travel away, internships, etc.), and speed of the program are not considerations for ACM inclusion. 

To nominate a program, please click here.

Programs that have been previously nominated and are not eligible or up for re-eligibility are listed below.